APAC Data Center Migration for Studio and VX - March 7

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Studio WebRTC Presenter Connection Outage


There was an issue in Studio where speaker video is not coming through on live webcasts. This issue does not appear to affect RTMP connections. Technical teams are actively investigating with highest priority. A current workaround is to use a virtual background as then the speaker's video will appear.


This issue is resolved on the U.S. Data Center and APAC. Users who have used Virtual Backgrounds as a workaround may need to clear their cache to see the issue resolved. 


No further update

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  • Final Update: This issue is resolved on the APAC Data Center.

    Previous Update: This issue is resolved on the U.S. Data Center. Users who have used Virtual Backgrounds as a workaround may need to clear their cache to see the issue resolved. Technical teams are working on a deployment timeframe for the APAC Data Center.

    Previous Update: The fix is still actively being tested and a deployment timeframe is being determined. Next update no later than 9:15 a.m. CT

    Previous Update: Technical team have identified a potential fix and actively testing.

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