APAC Data Center Migration for Studio and VX - March 7

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Feature Issue: STUDIO - Certificate roles assigned to users cause the earned certificate PDF not to auto-generate and email to the recipient - BLSO#42


Feature Issue

If a certificate role is assigned to the certificate the PDF will fail to auto-generate and send to the attendees that met the criteria.

Steps to Recreate

  1. Create a studio presentation.
  2. Enable CPE, set a viewing duration and attendee checkpoints percentage requirement.
  3. Choose a certificate to be awarded to the attendees meeting the criteria and assign a role to the certificate.
  4. Register as an attendee and join the event.
  5. Log in as Studio Admin and start the presentation.
  6. Once the completion criteria is met, end the presentation.
  7. Observe CPE Admin will validate the criteria's but will not automatically award or send the certificate.


Remove or unassign the certificate roles or manually award & send the certificate to the attendees if a certificate role is assigned.

Data Center(s) Impacted


Cause & Fix
BLSO#42 has been created and QA is testing to recreate the issue. Once testing is complete, Product Management will review for a release date assignment.

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