Feature Issue: STUDIO - Certificate roles assigned to users cause the earned certificate PDF not to auto-generate and email to the recipient - BLSO#42
Feature Issue
If a certificate role is assigned to the certificate the PDF will fail to auto-generate and send to the attendees that met the criteria.
Steps to Recreate
- Create a studio presentation.
- Enable CPE, set a viewing duration and attendee checkpoints percentage requirement.
- Choose a certificate to be awarded to the attendees meeting the criteria and assign a role to the certificate.
- Register as an attendee and join the event.
- Log in as Studio Admin and start the presentation.
- Once the completion criteria is met, end the presentation.
- Observe CPE Admin will validate the criteria's but will not automatically award or send the certificate.
Remove or unassign the certificate roles or manually award & send the certificate to the attendees if a certificate role is assigned.
Data Center(s) Impacted
Cause & Fix
BLSO#42 has been created and QA is testing to recreate the issue. Once testing is complete, Product Management will review for a release date assignment.
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