Is it possible to import webcast media and cue points from an existing webcast into a new webcast in the same tenant?
Q: Is it possible to import webcast media and cue points from an existing webcast into a new webcast in the same tenant?
A: Yes. You are able to copy media and import cue points from an existing webcast into a new webcast. The only media that would not be included is screen share media, if any exists, but this can be downloaded from the editor and uploaded to the new webcast as a video slide.
You can refer to the steps below to complete this.
How to copy media and slide cue points using the Media Editor:
- Add yourself as a staffer with the Admin role in the original webcast
- Enter original webcast using your staffer link and select Tools>Manage Media>Media Editor
- Click
to export cue points and save locally, then close the editor and leave the webcast
- Add yourself as a staffer with the Admin role in the new webcast
- Upload the same slide deck from the original webcast (must use exact same file name)
- Enter new webcast using your staffer link, add a temporary media source, start the webcast and record 20-30 seconds of test media then end the webcast
- Repeat step #2 to open the Media Editor
- Click
to enter media mode
- Right-click after end of test media and select Add New>Media Version
- Select drop-down menu, select the original webcast, then click the desired media version to copy and be appended to the end of the test media (NOTE: Only webcasts you are added as a staffer in will appear in the drop down menu)
- Right-click on the test media version and click Delete
- Select
to enter Cue Point Mode
- Click
to import cue points saved from step #3
- Review media and cue points to confirm everything is correct.
- Click Save once confirmed, prompting a new media version to be created.
- Wait for the new media version to process, then review the new content using the center preview window in the editor to confirm all is correct. Then set the webcast to the desired Presentation Type by going to Setup>Settings
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Here is a step-by-step video:
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