How do I Mass Import users for a standalone webcast?

Q: How do I Mass Import users for a standalone webcast?

A: You can mass import users to our system using the mass import tool in Studio Webcasting. This can be used to update profile information for multiple users, register them for the webcast and send a confirmation email.

You must have Advanced Admin access in order to complete this process. If you do not have this access and cannot see the Mass Import option, please submit a ticket for assistance.

See the steps below to complete this process:

  1. Export a user list from an external source and save as a CSV file
    NOTE: User list must be in CSV format to upload
  2. Enter the webcast from Studio Webcasting home page
  3. Open Tools > Registration Options > Import Users
  4. Choose your CSV file to import
  5. Select each column, except email address, and select the matching field to map the data to that field
    NOTE: Email address mapping is covered in step 6
  6. Select email address column and map to Email Address, Login ID and Password fields
    NOTE: This step is required for No Password webcasts only. If a custom password is required, this must be mapped as its own column. Email Address and Login ID should always be mapped to the Email Address column.
  7. Select the desired Import Options shown below and insert a reference code such as mass_upload_DATE.
    NOTE: Including the date helps identify when the import process was done in case there are issues or if this is done again for the same webcast

    The screenshot shows the most common choices to register the imported users immediately. Some settings may not apply to your webcast.  To verify, please complete and submit this form to the support team:

  8. Click Start Trial Run and review results. If there are any errors, close results page, correct issues then repeat this step until no errors are found
  9. Select Import Users to complete the process, map all fields and register the users, if applicable. The confirmation email will be triggered at this time.
  10. Open the Data Portal and confirm users were successfully registered with all applicable profile information
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