Best Practice: Scheduling A Marketo Data Transfer

The following list contains the Best Practices to use when scheduling a Data Transfer via the Marketo Integration. These tips will provide the most seamless scheduling experience.

1. Setup a daily schedule so that new user data is transferred each day.

2. Don't forget the On Demand users. Aligning the End Date of the transfer schedule with the end of the archive period for the event/webcast will ensure that all On Demand user data is transferred.

3. Schedule one extra data transfer for live day. The live day transfer should have the Start Date and End Date on the same day. The transfer should start after the event/webcast has concluded. For example, if the live day runs from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. CT on 02/24/20, then the single day transfer might be scheduled with a Start Date of 02/24/20 at 7:30 p.m. CT and an End Date of 02/24/20 at 8:30 p.m. CT.

4. Avoid scheduling data transfers in "high traffic" times on Monday mornings and Friday afternoons. During these peak hours, the transfer times may be increased. 

5. When scheduling data transfers for multiple events/webcasts, stagger the schedule so that not all transfers are pushed at the same time. A 10-15 minute window is recommended between each transfer. For example, if you are scheduling a daily transfer for Event A at 7:00 p.m. CT, then it is recommended to schedule the daily transfer for Event B at 7:15 p.m. CT.



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