What is an External API and how is it incorporated into the platform?
The following page provides an overview of the APIs that Brandlive offers for Virtual Events and Studio.
API stands for Application Programming Interface. An External API can be enabled per tenant and enables clients to programmatically interact with features of the platform from their own controlled sites and systems. This automation is controlled and orchestrated by the caller (at this time, External API calls cannot be pushed out to 3rd party systems).
The API is called via a secure HTTPS request. This HTTPS request may be a GET or POST operation (with the exception of file uploading which requires a multi-part form post). Each request must supply the authentication credentials assigned to the caller. Only requests with valid credentials will be processed. These credentials identify the caller and provide access only to a specific customer area.
In order to use the API, the authorization credentials must be enabled by Brandlive Solutions. These credentials restrict activity to a pre-defined Tenant area only. The credentials should not be shared with any other unauthorized party and must be supplied with each call to the API.
Note: The default Activity API Rate Limit is a maximum of 400 calls per hour. External Show User Activity, External Show Setup, and External Registration Activity are subject to limiting requirements.
Rate limits do not apply to the inbound flow of user profiles + user registrations to Brandlive. The rate limit for API calls applies when querying Brandlive for various activity data sets to be returned.
For quick reference of api calls, below is an API wizard that helps build commonly used API calls.
API Wizard Tool
14.4 Release - Updated below documents.
One new API doc:
14.5 Release - Updated Below Documents
14.6 Release - Updated Below Documents
*External Briefcase API
*External Buddy List Planner API
*External Course Admin API
*External Event API
*External Exhibitor Booth API (aka Sponsor Space API)
*External Job API
*External Registration Activity API
*External Show Setup API
*External Show User Activity API
*External UDF API
*External User API
*External Webcast Show Copy API
Updated to replace docs and provide a link to the guide.
Updated linked URL to correct API documentation.
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