What is a Custom UDF, how can I create one, and how can I add it to my Registration Page in Studio Webcasting?
UDF stands for User Defined Field (aka Custom User Field). UDFs are Tenant-specific and used in registration to gather additional data from registrants. UDFs can be added in Studio Webcasting under the Tools Menu > Custom User Fields.
Follow the steps below to create a Custom UDF and to add it to your Registration Page:
Create a Custom UDF
Step 1:
Click the blue plus button in the upper right-hand corner to create a new UDF.
Step 2:
Within the Create Custom User Field menu, you can enter the Description for internal reference.
The Grouping will remain User Fields.
You may select a Data Type to indicate what validation will be applied to the field:
String: A string of text
Number: Number validation
Integer: An integer validation (This validation applies to the “Text Area” Entry Type only.)
Date: A date validation
Logical: A true or false validation using a checkbox field
Entry type options will vary depending on which Data Type is selected.
For example, if you would like to create an opt-in checkbox option, you would select the Data Type “Logical” then select the “Checkbox” Entry Type.
Step 3:
Enable the “Required” button if you want completion of the field to be required by users.
Step 4:
Select “Save” in the lower right-hand corner.
Add the UDF to the Registration Page
Step 1:
Navigate to REGISTRATION and select the applicable registration page.
Step 2:
Select FIELDS and click the blue plus button.
Step 3:
Click on the SELECT EXISTING tab. Navigate to the Custom User Field you just created and make sure it is selected.
Step 4:
Select “Save”.
Step 5:
To the left of the field, select the icon to drag and drop the field to its desired location. Repeat this for any other fields you wish to reorder.
Step 6:
Select “Save” button in the lower right-hand corner and use the “Customize” and “Preview” buttons in the lower left-hand corner to make additional edits to or preview your Registration page.
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