Can I mix Registration Methods (Password and No Password) for the same webcast or multiple webcasts in the same Tenant?
Can I mix Registration Methods (Password and No Password) for the same webcast or multiple webcasts in the same Tenant?
A. Each webcast allows only a single password requirement. Registration/Login Methods cannot be mixed for a single webcast or multiple events/webcasts in the same Tenant. Mixing login methods for multiple webcasts in the same Tenant will cause access errors for attendees.
The password requirement is configured in Studio Webcasting under the Settings Menu:
If a webcast is set to "With No Password", then the user will be required to register for the webcast but not required to enter a password on login. They will enter the webcast with their email address only. As all user accounts require passwords, the attendee's email address will be seamlessly passed as their password in all lowercase. This process will occur unbeknownst to attendees.
This is important to remember for manual registration, API, and/or Mass Registration. All users must be inserted with a password that is their email address (entered exactly) in all lowercase. This Registration/Login Method is commonly referred to as "Registration Required + Email Address Only" login. The "With No Password" method is less secure than "With Password", as any user can enter a registered email address and enter the webcast.
A webcast set to "With No Password" should only be located in a Tenant that contains other webcasts of the same Registration/Login Method. A Registration Required + Email Address Only webcast should never be in the same tenant with a webcast that requires a password.
Conversely, if a webcast is set to have a password, then a password will be required for both registration and login. "With Password" is the more secure option, as each user is required to enter a unique (encrypted) password in order to access the webcast.
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