How do you add or remove a tabbed panel inside the workspace editor?
Question: How do I add or remove a tabbed panel inside the workspace editor
Answer: Follow the steps below to add a tabbed panel:
On a PC, follow the steps below:
- To add two panels together, press and hold the Shift key down while you click the mouse on the second panel and drag to the first panel. While still holding the Shift key down, release the left click button to place the panel.
- To remove a tabbed panel, press and hold the CTRL key + Click the panel, drag out of the tabbed panel, and release.
On a MAC, follow the steps below:
- To add two panels together, press and hold the Command + shift key on your keyboard when dragging the second panel into the first panel.
- To remove a tabbed panel, press and hold the Control key + Click the panel and drag out of the tabbed panel.
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