APAC Data Center Migration for Studio and VX - March 7

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15.8.14 Studio & Event Platform (VX) Product Release Notes - May 19, 2023


Below are the release notes for the 15.8.14 Studio & Event Platform (VX) Product Release, taking place on Friday, March 19, 2023 for the NA data center and Thursday. May 25, 2023 for the APAC cloud environment.



Within the presenter console, staffers using webcam or phone sources are now able communicate in real-time before, during and after the webcast has run live using the Greenroom. This provides staffers with the ability to perform a variety of tasks, such as troubleshooting, content discussion, or Q&A moderation, without interrupting the presenters in the scene. 

Each online source can choose if they would like to listen to either the Webcast Audio stream, or the Greenroom audio stream, and seamlessly switch between the two. Each staffer is only able to listen to one audio stream at a time. The volume of both the Webcast Audio and Greenroom Audio can be adjusted using the existing volume controls within the Media Player panel in the layout. Sources active in the scene cannot be switched to Greenroom Audio until they are removed.

Studio will automatically set each source to the preferred audio stream when logging into the presenter console. If the webcast is in rehearsal mode, sources will be set to Greenroom Audio by default. Upon changing the selection to Webcast Audio, followed by refreshing the browser, the staffer’s selection will be remembered and applied automatically when they are reconnected, so long as the webcast is still in rehearsal mode. If the webcast is live, sources will be set to the Webcast Audio by default. Changes to the audio stream selection will not be remembered while live.

Webcam staffers can switch between the two audio streams by selecting the drop down to the right of their video thumbnail in the My Devices menu. The menu will display which audio stream is currently being heard, after a selection is made.

Staffers with the Source List Controls permission are also able to manually switch any currently online webcam or phone source to either audio stream. This allows a staffer to pull other users into the Greenroom to engage in a discussion during the live webcast. Staffers without this right are only able to make this selection for themselves.

In addition to this new functionality, UI updates have been applied to the Source List to enhance the capabilities of staffers in the presenter console. The size of the source preview thumbnails has been significantly increased to make viewing each source’s streaming video easier. The Make Call button for phone sources, the Restart Media button and countdown timer for media files have been rearranged within the list to accommodate for the new Greenroom audio selection menu for applicable sources.
Articles of interest:
Admin Experience: Greenroom
Speaker Experience: Greenroom



Studio Accessible Layouts

Two new Studio layouts have been developed to provide a fully accessible webcast experience for attendees on both mobile and desktop. When paired with the Studio webinar registration/login pages or the Event Platform Galaxy templates, attendees can take part in an end-to-end accessible experience.

Note: Lobby Experience is supported on Studio Accessible Layout webcasts but is not accessible. This is targeted for a future release.

Media Layouts:



Media & Slides Layouts:


The new layouts are available for any existing or newly created Studio webcasts by clicking the Try Now button when selecting a layout template in the admin:



On desktop, the Media layout places the Media Player in the largest panel area within the layout, with engagement panels along the right-hand side. The Media and Slides layout places the Slides panel in the largest panel area, while the Media Player is placed above the engagement panels on the right:



Once either of these layouts has been selected, additional customization settings will become available:

  • A Layout Header Image can be uploaded to appear in the upper left corner of the attendee view
  • The Primary Brand Color will be applied to accent areas.
  • Select the Theme for the webcast to be displayed, either in a Light or Dark mode 



Each layout includes two preset groups of available panels. These panels are split into two categories, Engagement and Info, and cannot be moved from one group to the other. Additional panels are planned to be added at a later date. Each panel can be enabled or disabled and be re-ordered.

Note, Panel labels are editable within standalone Studio Webinars, but are not yet editable on Studio Sessions within an event. 

  • The Engagement panels include an optional Chat, Q&A, and CPE tracker panel for users to interact with during the webcast. These appear as tabs within the attendee view and the presenter console.


  • The Info panels include webcast content in the Abstract, Speakers and Handouts. These are displayed below the main media or slides area. On mobile devices, these collapse into a single Info tab, and appear to the right of the Engagement tabs.
    • NOTE: The Speakers panel displays each speaker’s photo, name, job title and company name. Speaker bios will be added in a future release.


The layout can be previewed at any time, so long as all changes have been saved, by selecting the Preview button in the lower left corner of the Layout settings. This will launch in a new tab, allowing admins to easily preview the configuration for the webcast attendee experience.



Both layouts are fully responsive and will automatically adjust based on the size of the browser. The display of the panels will shift dynamically as the minimum browser width threshold is reached.

When accessing from a mobile device, the media, and slide panel, if available, will be stacked on top of all tabs. The tabs can be expanded upwards to provide more space. Expanding the tabs will reduce the size of the media and slide panels, placing them side-by-side if both panels are available.

Articles of interest:
Studio Accessible Layouts



Galaxy Event Templates

Two new accessible and responsive Event Platform (VX) templates, Galaxy Midnight & Galaxy Bright, will be available to choose from when creating a new event. When using either Galaxy template, a fully accessible experience is available to configure throughout registration & login pages to all available spaces, booths, and communication tools, in either a dark (Midnight) or a light (Bright) design:




The following features are currently not available in the Galaxy templates:

  • Host Spaces
    • Trivia Game
    • Puzzle Game
  • Sponsor Booth Elements
    • Using the space name for logo
    • Marquee Messages
    • Font color and size customization for tab content
  • Surveys are supported but not accessible. This is targeted for a future release.

NOTE: The Galaxy templates do not automatically enable accessible layouts for Studio sessions within the event. When available, event owners may still choose between accessible and legacy workspace Studio session layouts. Both the Studio & Event Platform (VX) accessible options will be available to customers (GA) at the same time.


Two new Page Layout Options are available to use within configurable Galaxy spaces:

  • The Hero Header block displays a full width video or image background with a text area and optional button(s) overlay.

GalaxyMidnight_HeroHeaderBlock.pngHero Header 16:9 graphic/video minimum req: 1920px w x 1080px h

  • The Dual Content block displays a video or image on the left and a text area with an optional button on the right.

GalaxyMidnight_DualContentBlock.png16:9 image minimum req: 1440px w x 810px h. Text area maximum 1000 characters.


Customizing the event primary accent color, which applies to all buttons & design accents in the rest of the event and Registration/Login Pages, is available by request.

NOTE: Button text is black in both Midnight & Bright templates. Please be mindful of accessible contrast ratios if choosing to customize the event primary accent color.

Galaxy Midnight: Registration


Galaxy Bright: Registration


Galaxy Midnight: Exhibit Hall

Galaxy Bright: Exhibit Hall



Galaxy Midnight: Sponsor Booth
Within the Booth Builder, Exhibitors can select their own primary & secondary header colors per booth, independent from the primary accent color used in the rest of the event.


When enabled, the Booth group chat will also expand and collapse from the right side of the screen:



Galaxy Bright: Theater & Session List
The best of the List & Grid views have been brought together to display a thumbnail image for each session and offer a better user experience for seeing additional description text & details:

GalaxyBright_TheaterWithSession.pngSession in a Theater - Default View

GalaxyBright_TheaterWithSessionDetailsExpanded.pngSession in a Theater - Expanded View


Galaxy Midnight: Mobile Experience



Articles of interest:
Galaxy Templates: Galaxy Midnight & Galaxy Bright
Galaxy Templates: Registration & Login Page Customization Options
Galaxy Templates: Sponsor Space Builder Considerations
Galaxy Templates: Updating Universal Host Space for Common Use Cases
Feature Matrix: 3D, 2D Flow, & Galaxy Templates


Additional Platform Updates

  • Addressed an issue in Studio Webcasting, where the time zone on the “Overview” page was not updating properly for webcasts in the future.
  • Addressed an issue within Q&A, where a private question response was being displayed to other attendees after refreshing the browser.
  • Removed the ability to use the Producer Tool for audio only webcasts.
  • Addressed an issue with tabs in the Virtual Events user profile, where the “Communication” tab was not aligned. 




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