15.8.15 Studio & Event Platform (VX) Product Release Notes - June 2, 2023
Below are the release notes for the 15.8.15 Studio & Event Platform (VX) Product Release, taking place on Friday, June 2, 2023 for the NA data center and June. 9, 2023 for the APAC cloud environment.
- Addressed an issue in Studio Webcasting reporting, where when exporting the “Questions and Answers” report, the data was displayed in the incorrect columns.
- Updated the webcast recorder in Studio to be compatible with the new Studio accessible layout. When the accessible layout is selected, the webcast recorder will still allow for capture of the Full Console, Media and Slides Panel, and Slides Only Panel. The following options are not available with the webcast recorder when using the accessible layout:
- Disable Panel Commands
- Restrict Panel Fullscreen to Viewport
- Hide Panel Button Bar
- Ignore Workspace Viewport Settings
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