APAC Data Center Migration for Studio and VX - March 7

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How to: Use the Moderation Panel


Monitor your webinar and interact with attendees in real time. 

The Moderation Panel allows moderations and admins to control which attendee submissions are shown on a page, send submissions to presenters in Greenroom, and respond directly to attendees. Moderators can also ban users and words or send announcements and user engagement surveys to the page.

Moderation Panel Components 

The Moderation Panel consists of several panes to review submissions and monitor their webinar or event. 

  • Video: Displays the broadcast. Moderators can hover over this window to play/pause, mute the stream, or select their streaming quality. 
  • Stream Data: Displays the stream start time & date, current viewer count, highest concurrent viewer count, and the health of the stream.
  • Questions: Displays questions submitted via the Questions module 
  • Chat: Displays all submissions in the chat feed on the page in real time
  • Send to Presenter: Displays all submissions the moderator has sent to the presenter(s) in Greenroom
  • Deleted: Displays all deleted submissions.
  • Settings: Ban words or un-ban users
  • + Add: Send or schedule announcements and send post-session user engagement surveys

This article does not cover announcements or user engagement surveys. Use the hyperlinks to learn more about each topic.

Accessing the Moderation Panel 

To access the Moderation Panel, navigate to your main project dashboard and select the project you wish to edit:

Next, select the "Moderate" button on the session you wish to moderate. 

The Moderation Panel will then open. To switch between sessions in your project, select the dropdown arrow next to your session title in the top navigation bar.

Setting Moderator Display Name

Moderators can choose to set their display name and optionally upload a profile avatar. The moderator's name will appear in bold in the chat feed.  

First, register for the webinar or event on the project site.

Moderators will see their initials appear in the top right corner of the moderation panel. Select the initials:

A modal will appear to allow moderators to enter their information and upload an avatar, if desired. Please note that the image should be 300x300px:

Moderating Chat & Questions 

To moderate submissions, first hover over a chat or question. 

Then, select from the menu of icons that appear:

Moderations can:

  • Ban a user: Users can be un-banned by selecting the Settings button in the top navigation bar. 
  • Approve or decline a submission: When full moderation is turned on, questions will not be published to the page until a moderator approves it.
  • Delete a submission: Deleted submissions will appear in the 'Deleted' window. Moderators can hover over submissions and select the arrow icon to undo this action. 
  • Send a submission to a presenter: Questions submitted to the presenter in Greenroom will appear in the 'Send to presenter' window. Moderators can hover over submissions and select the arrow icon to undo this action. 
  • Reply to a question: Moderators can reply to questions directly. Responses will appear on the webinar page. Moderators can hover over replies to delete or send to the presenter.

Sending Submissions to Presenters 

When a moderator sends a submission to a presenter, presenters actively on the canvas will not be shown a chat notification so as not to distract from their presentations. They will, however, see a numbered notification on the chat tab icon. All other presenters and producers in the Greenroom will see a notification in Greenroom for the submission:

Presenters can view all submissions by selecting the 'Chat' icon in the Greenroom and navigating to the 'Q&A' chat. All submissions will appear in the order a moderator sends them:

Presenters can then respond to questions live. Presenters cannot type response back to attendees from the Greenroom.

Moderating Direct Messages 

When the Direct Messaging feature is toggled on, moderators can access Project Channels, message attendees directly, or create new groups by selecting the chat icon that appears in the lower lefthand corner of the screen. 

Moderators cannot delete individual chats, however, they can ban users which will remove the user's messages. 

Moderators can also disable Messaging by selecting the three dots in the top right hand corner of the Messaging window. 

Banning Users & Words 

Users Bans

Moderators can ban users by hovering over a submission from the user in Chat or Questions and selecting the ban icon.

In Messaging, moderators can ban users by navigating to a direct message with the attendee and selecting the three dots in the top righthand corner of the window:

Banning a user will remove all of the user's submissions from the page. However, banned users will still see their own submissions appear to ensure they do not know they were banned. This prevents banned users from re-registered for a webinar or event with a different email address. 

To un-ban a user, select the 'Settings' button from top navigation bar. A new modal will appear listing all banned users. Hover over a user and select the icon that appears to un-ban the user. 

Submissions from users who are un-banned will not reappear on the project page. 

Word Bans

To ban offensive words and phases, select the 'Settings' button in the top navigation menu.

A modal will appear to toggle on the 'Blocked words' feature. 

Toggling this feature on will block words on a pre-populated offensive words list. Moderators can add custom words and phrases by typing into the open text field. 

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