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How to: Access Greenroom Profile & Settings


Creating a profile in Greenroon allows you to control how others see and hear you.

Within Greenroom, there are five options to customize your profile and video settings. In this article, we'll show you how to access those settings and what they all mean.

Video Overview

Accessing the Settings Dropdown

To access the settings dropdown, click on the avatar circle in the top right corner of the Greenroom. The settings dropdown has five sections: Edit Profile, Devices, All Notes, Switch Room, and Sign Out.

Edit Profile

Upon clicking Edit Profile, Producers can update their avatar image, as well as enter their first name, last name, title, location, and background image. 

Avatar Image

Your avatar image is the image that will appear in the following places:
  • In the upper-right-hand corner of Greenroom denoting your profile
  • As your chat avatar when direct messaging or while in chat rooms
  • When invited to shared Media
  • When invited to shared Notes
  • When working on the Showboard in Showbuilder

Background Image

Your background image is the image that will appear on the canvas and in the Feed tab when your camera is turned off.
It is recommended to use a photo that has a 16:9 aspect ratio or a dimension of 1920px by 1080px.
Keep in mind that if only the avatar image is uploaded, it will auto-populate as the background image. This may reduce the resolution of the background image. If you want the avatar and the background image to be the same, it's recommended to re-upload the avatar image to the background area to preserve the image's resolution. 

Other Fields

The First Name, Last Name, Title, and Location fields are particularly important if Auto-generated Greenroom titles are being used in the show. These profile fields can only be adjusted by the Greenroom Presenter themselves, once they are in Greenroom. To learn more about Titles, read our article on the Steps to Enabling Titles in Greenroom.

At the bottom of the "Edit Profile" drawer is a prompt saying "Get Started with Greenroom." Clicking "Take a Tour" will launch a step-by-step tour of Greenroom within the application. 


The Devices section allows the Microphone, Video Cam, and Speaker sources to be adjusted. This becomes particularly handy if a Presenter or Producer is choosing to use an external camera or microphone to broadcast. 
Familiarity with this section will be helpful to guide Presenters if they have trouble correctly sourcing which camera and microphone they’ll be presenting with.


  • Microphone: There is a small microphone graphic to the right of the microphone selection field, with three red dots. These three red dots will indicate the audio frequency, or waves, coming through a Presenter or Producer's speaker. This will give an indication of whether or not the correct mic is selected.
  • Speakers: The small “Test” text with a small speaker icon can be clicked to play a sample sound. This helps to determine whether or not the correct speaker is selected. 

All Notes

The All Notes item reveals a drawer that shows all notes a Presenter or Producer has left on ALL Greenrooms in which they have been. This view can be filtered on "My Notes" or on "Shared Notes". It's also possible to initiate creating a new note from this view. 

Switch Greenroom

The Switch Greenroom item takes you back to the home view, to browse Greenrooms and various sessions.

Sign Out

The sign-out item will take you back to the login screen. This can be used if you're on a shared computer.

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