Feature Overview: Media Tab
Elevate your production by uploading media and tailoring the appearance of your videos, images, and slide decks.
Using the media tab, Greenroom Producers can upload videos, images, and slide content to incorporate into their Greenroom Shows. Once your show media is uploaded, Producers can also make adjustments to how the upload is displayed within a shot. Producers can even place media that was uploaded by another Presenter or Producer.
Media Tab Video Overview
File Types Supported
The following types of media files can be uploaded to the Greenroom Media Tab:
.PDF (image/slide deck) | .GIF (sequence of images) |
.PPT (slide deck) | .MP4 (video) |
.KEY (slide deck) | .MOV (video) |
.JPEG (image) | .Webm (video) |
.JPG (image) | .MP3 (audio) |
.PNG (image) | .WAV (audio) |
Each file uploaded must be under 2GB in size. There is no limit to the amount of files that can be uploaded.
Media Sub-Tabs
Within the media tab are four sub-tabs:
- Files: Accepted file types the user uploads.
- Screenshares: Assign a user's screen share to a particular shot.
- Overlays: Static or animated visuals placed on top of shots.
- Recordings: Any recording generated by the record-only feature.
Media Settings
Looping Video
Within the edit section of each video file, users can set their uploaded videos to loop with the touch of a button. When toggled on (green), the loop will make the video content play on repeat within the shot, until the Showboard is advanced to the next shot.
When uploading any piece of media content to the media tab, you'll have the ability to edit how the media sits within a short dimension. Within the edit section of your piece of media is a dropdown option for fit, with a second option below it for fill.
The fit option will position your file so that the entire piece of media is seen, while fill scales the media to fit the canvas dimensions (16x9).
This might also leave some background space visible, depending on the size and aspect ratio of your media. If that's the case, you can use the background dropdown to the right to put background color around your media.
When media is placed in the Canvas, you can also right-click or (CTRL + click) on the media to bring up a pop-up menu showing the following options. If right-clicking on a video, you'll see the additional setting that can enable a loop.
We recommend testing this setting with each piece of media when you're building your shots within the Showbuilder mode, in order to ensure the best layout for your shot.
My Media
Media that you upload gives you editing control of that media, meaning you can loop video files, scale media to fit or fill within its dimensions, add a background color to the media, and add more still images and video files to the existing media - further building out a deck or creating a playlist of media. You can also present your media to the feeds tab or even remove/delete your media from the Greenroom. A download option is also available for any images or videos you upload to the Greenroom.
Room Media
Media that another Presenter, Producer, or Viewer uploads to Greenroom can only be edited by that Greenroom user. As the Producer, you can remove/delete their media from the Greenroom, scale their media to fit or fill within its dimensions, add a background color to their media, and present their media to the feeds tab. A download option is also available to you for any images or videos another user uploads to the Greenroom.
Video Playback
Once a video is placed within a shot, you'll see its thumbnail populate within the layout, with a playback bar control at the bottom of the video. This will allow you to pause the video mid-shot, scroll to a specific section of the video, and even adjust the volume of the video's audio. You can play the video to test it within Showbuilder mode before your show starts, ensuring that the video plays properly with audio.
When you're starting your live Greenroom show or are about to switch to a shot with a video, playing the shot will automatically start the video. When clicking "Play Shot" or "Next Shot" within the Showboard environment, the video will start playing. If you have configured autoplay, once the video comes to an end, the next shot will play.
Video Trim
In Showbuilder mode, you can access Greenroom's Trim feature within the pop-up menu of a selected video, whether you're looking at files or recordings. The Trim feature allows you to easily mark the start and end points of the video, edit out segments or clips for marketing use, and cut out beginning countdown clocks.
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