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How to: Join a Greenroom


Go live in Greenroom in just a few short steps.

Before joining Greenroom, you'll need to make sure you've created an account. See our account creation article here

Video Overview

Signing into Greenroom

To sign into Greenroom, you'll likely have received an email or calendar invitation containing a Greenroom URL. If not, skip to the next section of this article titled "Locating your Greenroom".

Note: You must sign in with the email address your host used to invite you.  

Once you've logged in, you'll be taken through a series of steps to prepare you for entry into the Greenroom.

1. First, you'll confirm your information is correct as it may appear in your title on-screen. You can also optionally upload an avatar image by clicking the small camera icon located next to your initials: 

When complete, click "Next".

Note: You may be prompted by a browser pop-up asking for access to your computers camera and microphone.  You'll want to click "yes" to allow this access.'

2. After granting your browser access to your camera and mic, you'll be prompted to configure your audio and video settings. 

The default microphone and camera sources will appear. For each, there is a dropdown to browse and select alternative microphone and camera sources. 

Note: If you're on a Mac, you may need to go into your computer settings to enable microphone access.

After making your camera and microphone selections, you'll want to test each one.

  • First, say something like "Testing 1, 2, 3" and watch the three green dots next to the microphone icon. The dots will move when speaking, reflecting a proper audio connection.
  • Then, test your speakers by clicking on the word "Test" next to the speaker icon. A short audio clip will play to confirm your audio output settings are correct. 
  • Lastly, you should see your camera feed on the lefthand side of the page. If not, make sure you have the appropriate camera selected in the dropdown menu under “Camera" and that the camera is enabled. Use the toggle below your video to turn your camera and microphone on and off. 

For additional information and troubleshooting tips for setting up your camera and microphone, see our troubleshooting article here.  

When you've made your final selections and tested each item, click "Next".

3. The last step before entering Greenroom is to confirm your video transfer speed and internet connection.

This will take approximately 30 seconds. If you experience any issues during this process, check out our troubleshooting article here

When complete, click "Done" to join the Greenroom. 

Once you've joined the Greenroom, select "Feeds" from the righthand page menu to see yourself, other presenters, and the producer. 

Use the camera and microphone buttons on your feed to turn your mic and camera on and off. 

Locating your Greenroom

If you are joining Greenroom from without clicking an email or calendar invitation link, you'll need to locate your Greenroom from the Greenroom dashboard.

After logging in, you'll see a list of Upcoming and Past Greenrooms that you've been invited to. Select the Greenroom you wish to enter:

Once you've joined the Greenroom, select "Feeds" from the righthand page menu to see yourself, other presenters, and the producer. 

Use the camera and microphone buttons on your feed to turn your mic and camera on and off. 

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