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How to: Access Presenter Help Menu


If you need assistance while presenting in the Greenroom, there's a resourceful help menu waiting for you.

Each Greenroom has a help menu located at the top of the Greenroom, next to the time. The question mark button will bring up a menu that contains various resources.  This article will explain those resources.

Video Overview

Help Menu

Every time you click the question mark button, you'll bring up the Presenter help menu. Clicking the button again will close down the menu. Here is what's listed in the Presenter Help Menu:


Getting Started

This will bring up a short video to show you the Greenroom layout as a Presenter.


Help Center

Clicking Help Center will link to the Brandlive Help Center, where you can search all Brandlive Articles.


Brandlive Support

This will list the Brandlive Support phone line and client support email address.


Release Notes

This will take you to Brandlive's "What's New!" Page, where you can review release notes and videos about recent product updates.


Keyboard Shortcut

This option will bring up the Produce Hot Keys that are available to Greenroom Presenters, which link to certain functions and actions.


Brandlive Academy

This will open up a new tab to the Brandlive Academy, which will have plenty of enablement resources, including courses in the form of short instructional videos that Greenroom users can reference.


Troubleshoot Video

Producers can select "Troubleshoot Video Connection," to bring up metric overlays within the feeds tab, showing each video feed resolution, frame rate, video transfer speed, and packet loss percentage. This information can give you a sense if the Greenroom user has an unstable connection in their location, comparing them to other users within the Greenroom.



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