How to: Fix a Warped Browser Screen or Missing Buttons
Tips for keeping your Greenroom looking its best so your presenters and production can thrive.
If you're using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, and your screen is warped or your buttons are missing, it's possible to fix this. In this article, we'll show you why this problem might be happening and how to fix it.
Why Your Screen is Warped or Your Buttons Are Missing
Browser settings for Chrome or Edge can occasionally affect layout configurations as intended.
In the browser, it's common for users to have made adjustments (on accident or purpose) to their zoom levels. This will cause layout issues and – in worst-case scenarios – buttons to be out of view.
How to Reset Zoom Settings
To fix your screen and bring your buttons back, you need to reset your zoom settings using these hotkeys (same for Chrome and Edge).
- Mac: Command + 0
- Windows: CTRL + 0
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