May 2024 Releases
- Greenroom video trim tool now available in Record mode in addition to its availability in Showbuilder.
- Audio only drawer now hidden from presenters when empty.
- Changing shots in Greenroom is practically seamless with dramatic reductions to the loading time between shots.
- Run a fireside discussion in Google Meet! When creating a Fireside session, toggle on Google Meet and assign a host (does not have to be admin user). Attendees accessing the Fireside session can use the raise hand button to join the stage from any desktop, tablet, or mobile device.
- 2 new registration layouts now available combining the functionality of the landing page with registration modal. Now combine favorite modules side by side on the registration form.
- The Engage Questions module now features a toggle so attendees may only view their questions, hiding all other submissions.
- Templates created from Test Projects will not carry the Test status over to newly created Projects.
- New Greenrooms start with new segments as default: Countdown, Intro, Spotlight, Q&A, and Thanks!
- New toggle to automatically generate calendar holds for sessions post-registration confirmation, found in session settings > session options.
- Access to the Legacy Analytics dashboard has been sunset.
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