March 2024 Releases
- The iOS app for iPhone and iPad now offer slide deck controls.
- The project list card view will now dynamically adjust down to 1060px for users on smaller screen sizes.
- Project cards will now always display the scheduled date and time if one exists.
- The admin and editor views will now use our Lemonade gradient in all instances in place of the former blue.
- The default chat style has now been set to the new High Frequency mode.
- The more spacious chat is now called “Conversational” mode.
- To ensure widespread accessibility when sending emails, a plain text email toggle is now available.
- Event and template creation flows now offer a field for Project Description.
- Some unnecessary cookies were removed to fulfill privacy requirements.
- The upload limit in Greenroom has been expanded to 5 GB.
- Camera and microphone statuses will now persist after a page refresh.
- The audio only feeds drawer now offers a preview of added media files and will expand to display multiple files added.
- The navigation bar editor has been better optimized. Now, when selecting the nav bar’s edit pencil, a modal will appear that allows for navigation bar logo, layout and content customization.
- The mobile/tablet nav menu has been redesigned.
- You can now upload any image or file types for nav icons beyond 50x50 .svg files.
- Webinars now have the option to have side navigation instead of top bar navigation exclusively.
- Chat now offers a High Volume type that minimizes space between audience chats and allows for more chats to be readable at a time.
- Tags are now visible on VOD tiles. Filtering by tags is functional within the larger filtering hierarchy.
- We’ve updated the favicon! Keep an eye out for a new Telly peeking out from your tabs.
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