APAC Data Center Migration for Studio and VX - March 7

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How to: Generate Magic Links


Create a simple, seamless webinar login experience.

Generate individual links to share with attendees to bypass the registration page (like the one below!) and directly join the webinar or event. Magic Links create a one touch login experience for attendees - perfect for your VIP guests. Magic Links also provide an additional layer of security as they can only be used one time. 

Video Overview 

Magic Links enable users to bypass registration and directly access a webinar. Admins can generate Magic Links by uploading a list of attendee names and emails and determining whether attendees who utilize Magic Links will be able to access entire events, specific tracks, or specific sessions. 

We recommend reading through the steps and notes below before beginning your Magic Link creation. 

Generating Magic Links 

Before generating Magic Links, Admins must create their registration page, determine their required registration fields, and publish their page. If required fields are added to a registration page for a webinar after Magic Links have been generated, attendees will be directed to the registration page to complete the required fields. 

To generate your Magic Links, navigate to the People tab of your Brandlive Admin Console dashboard. 

Then, select '+ Add audience list':

A new modal will appear. Give your list an name and select 'Email & Magic Link' from the dropdown.

Then, download the template and enter your attendees' information. Be sure to keep the header row of your file in place (first name, last name, email address, and any other required fields).

Once you have added your attendees, save your document as a .csv file. 

Click 'Save'. Your Magic List will now be included in your Audience Lists. 

Important Note Regarding Required Fields

If a row is missing data for a required field, when the attendee clicks on the link, they will be directed to the Registration page to complete the required fields before entering the webinar or event. 

If required fields are added to a registration page for a webinar after Magic Links have been generated, attendees will be directed to the registration page to complete the required fields. 

If utilizing an existing Magic Link list for a webinar or event, ensure all required fields are the same as your previous event.  

Adding Magic Links to a Project

Adding a Magic List to your webinar or event functions identically to adding an Audience List or other forms of gating. From the Projects dashboard, select your Project. Then navigate to the Registration tab. From there, go to Settings, followed by "Gating." 

Toggle on "Gating." Select which sessions you intend to gate, then choose "Audience List" from the dropdown. "Connect existing" should be auto-selected, underneath which you can select the Magic List you created from a dropdown:

Click "Apply" and publish your project for your changes to take effect. 

Sharing Magic Links

To share Magic Links with your users, navigate to the People tab of your Admin Dashboard. 

Select the three dots in the top right corner of your list. 

Click 'Download' to download your entire list of links OR click edit to download individual links. 

Download individual links by selecting the corresponding 'Download' button. 

Then, share each attendees Magic Link with them for easy access to your event. 

Adding or Removing Users from a List 

To add or remove users from your existing Magic Link list, navigate to the People tab of your Admin Dashboard.

Select the three dots in the top right corner of your list and click 'Edit'.

Then, use the button '+ Add User' to add a new user:

To remove a user, simply select the user you would like to delete from the list, then click 'Delete selected'.

Deleting or Generating New Magic Links

To delete your Magic Links or generate new ones for a list, navigate to your main Projects dashboard and select the Project you intend to edit.

From the Project Details screen, navigate to the 'Audience' tab. 

Select the three dots in the top right corner of your list and click 'Edit':

Next, select the blue key icon to generate new Magic Links. A notification will appear to confirm your links have been generated.  

Note: This will invalidate all previous Magic Links. 

Reusing Magic Links

By definition, magic links are only intended to be used once. If however, an attendee has used their magic link already and attempts to log in via the same magic link again, they will see a pop-up notification in the upper right-hand corner of the registration page prompting them to visit their email inbox where a new link has been sent to them for access to the event.

Attendee Experience 

When attendees receive their Magic Link, they can click on the link to land directed on the event Home page without registering for the event. 

However, links can only be used once. Attendees who click on a used link will either land on your event Landing page OR if they have already registered for the event on the same device and browser, they will land on the Home page. 

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