APAC Data Center Migration for Studio and VX - March 7

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How to: Create & Edit the Watch Page and Sessions & Content Modules


Beautifully organize simple and complex projects agendas for a seamless audience experience.

Whether you're hosting two sessions or 200 sessions, your attendees will be able to easily navigate your content through tracks, tags, calendar view, and more. 

First time using agendas? Be sure to check out our feature overview article for more info.

Video Overview

Creating Sessions & Content Modules 

Sessions & Content modules live on the landing, home and custom pages of your site. To add this module to either page, first open your project in Sitebuilder to edit and select "Pages" from the side navigation. 

Then, navigate to your landing or home page and toggle on "Sessions & Content" from the lefthand menu.

Next, click the pencil icon next to the Sessions & Content toggle in the sidebar or in the upper right-hard of the module to open the layout options menu.

Select a layout and click "Done."

Note: The landing page and home page Sessions & Content modules act independently of each other, so be sure to toggle on Sessions & Content in both locations if desired. 

Editing Sessions & Content Modules 

To edit a Sessions & Content module, simply click into the description and title fields to update them. Remember that changing a session title here will change the session title across the site. 

To add a new image or crop the existing one, hover over the image and click the crop or image icon to edit. 

Organize Your On-Demand Content

Highlight your on-demand content with a horizontal scroll block of sessions on the bottom of the Sessions & Content Module or Watch page. Optionally, organize sessions by track or tags so attendees can easily sort content. You are able to control which sessions to display and in what order, tailoring the attendee’s experience with your site.



Customize Session Visibility

To select which sessions are visible (either broadcast or on-demand sessions), navigate to your home or landing page in the Sitebuilder and locate a Sessions & Content module. In the upper left-hand module menu, select the blocks icon.

From the popup, you can easily select which sessions will be shown on the published site. You can leave out as many as you’d like; rest assured that they will still exist in the Sitebuilder but appear hidden to your attendees.

Reorder Sessions

To manage the order of on-demand content within the scroll block, click back to the Sessions & Content upper left-hand module menu and select the re-order icon to the right of the pencil.

From the popup, drag and drop the sessions into a custom order that best fits the needs of your project. You cannot re-order live content as there is a default order determined by air date and time.

Note: The above organizational features are only available as a part of the Calendar layout (the default first template selected).

Video Overview 

Disabling a Watch Page

Multi-Session Projects

For every project with more than one session, a Watch page is automatically added to the post-registration site navigation. If you would like to hide this page from your attendees, navigate to the "Pages" tab using the lefthand navigation in Sitebuilder.

Then, select to "Settings" and toggle OFF "Watch tab in navigation":

The Watch page indicator will disappear in your site's navigation bar.

Single Session Projects

The default Watch page option is only available for projects with two or more sessions (Sessions & Content modules are always available). However, if you have a home page enable for your single session project, the Watch page will appear as a "Session" icon in the home page. 

Editing a Watch Page

Admins and sitebuilders can edit the layout of a Watch page exactly the same way one would edit a Sessions & Content module. Simply hover over the module and select the pencil icon to bring up the layouts modal:

At the bottom of the modal under "Advanced Settings" you can toggle on or off either live or on-demand content:

To edit content such as the session title, description, and image, navigate to the home page Sessions & Content module and use the text editors to make your changes. They will populate on the Watch page. The Sessions & Content module does not need to be published on the Home page to make edits. Simply toggle the module off after making edits if desired.

Thumbnail Free Agendas

Sitebuilder also offers a thumbnail free agenda option for a simplified project site. To utilize this feature, simply toggle "Disable Session Thumbnails" on under Pages > Settings:

This will remove images from the Agenda page, Sessions & Content modules, and Session page video players. Admins & Sitebuilders can still select background colors for these areas. 

Custom Agenda Links for External Meetings 

Custom agenda links allow Admins to create a Session that will appear on the Watch page and/or Sessions & Content module that will direct attendees to another site or meeting such as Zoom or Google Meets. 

To add a custom agenda link, add a new Session to your project:

A new session modal will appear. Toggle "Use custom URL on":

Enter the destination URL, a date, time, & duration. Be sure to use an "https://www.website.com" format.

Add the Session and publish your project to apply the changes. 

The session will appear on your Watch page/Session & Content module as usual, but will direct attendees to the URL you've entered upon selecting the session.




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