Customize the event experience for your audience with personalized attendee watchlists.
Personalized attendee watchlists allow attendees to curate their own agenda in a tab on the Watch page called "My List" by selecting specific sessions to attend. This feature is especially useful for projects with multiple or concurrent sessions. Attendees can add or remove sessions at any time.
First, navigate to your event in the Admin console and open the Brandlive Sitebuilder to edit your event.
Next, select the Pages button in the lefthand navigation, then to the Settings tab.
Scroll until you see the option for "Watchlist Agenda Builder":
From here, toggle on 'Display "My List" builder on first event entry' and publish when ready.
Using Track Modal
Admins can also optionally turn on "Track Modal" to create a pop-up that will appear for attendees to easily add all sessions in a Track to their personalized list.
Attendee Experience
When an attendee views the agenda page, they will have the option to add or remove sessions to their list via a bookmark icon or a button, depending upon the layout.
Bookmark Icon:
Attendees can access their personalized agenda by clicking on "My List"
Attendees can remove items from their list by selecting the bookmark icon or button again.
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