Feature Overview: Analytics Dashboard
Track attendee engagement, keep an eye on conversion rates, and identify qualified leads through Brandlive's robust analytics and reporting.
The Brandlive platform captures all of your webinar data from registrations to watch time and engagement. Track your attendee data before, during, and after your project to see which content was most impactful or follow up with highly engaged leads. Admins can view all of their data in the Analytics Dashboard or download reports by project or session. Read on to learn more!
Data Hierarchy
Channel Level Data: Channel data is the aggregate of all data across all of the projects in your Channel.
Project Level Data: Project data contains data from all pages of a specific project site including Registration, Home, Agenda, Session, and Custom pages.
Session Level Data: Session data contains data from a specific session within your project. Each session page will have its own report.
Attendee Data: Attendee data is gathered for each unique user and includes the user’s watch time, question submissions, chat engagements and more on the platform to measure engagement, retention, and interest. Please note that this functionality is only available with our native video player and not with any third-party embeds.
Important Note: Email MUST be captured at registration in order to generate useful reports. For the sake of these reports, a user will be identified by their email address.
Video Overview
Channel Analytics
To access channel analytics, click the “Analytics” tab in the left-hand navigation. The first dashboard view that you see is the analytics at the channel level. You have the ability to filter these results by Audience or by date. The default date filter will be the date of first project created in your channel until the current time but this setting can be customized to whatever date range is needed.
Under the channel analytics, you will see an “Projects” section with a list of project within the channel. Select your desired projects to find more specified reporting on an project- or session-level.
Dashboard Metrics:
Projects: The number of projects that have been created or occurred within your channel.
Sessions: The individual number of sessions that have been created across all projects within your channel. For example, if you have created three projects with three sessions apiece, your session total will be nine.
Total Unique Registrations: Distinct (one-time) registrations across all projects.
Total Unique Attendees: Distinct users across all projects, counted after the start time of the first live session or all unique users for a project with on-demand only sessions.
Live: Unique users who have connected to a live video during the project. If a user has connected to a live session at any point, they will only count as a unique live viewer under Unique Attendees. Their on-demand viewing data will still be captured in other reports.
On-Demand: Unique users who have connected to an on demand video only and have not consumed any live video content.
Average Watch-time per Project: Average minutes watched per individual user across all projects.
Attendance Rate Percentage: Average number of actual project attendees compared to registrations.
Device Type: The breakdown of devices that have viewed the page.
Countries: The breakdown of what region your viewers reside in. This is collected via IP address.
Browser:The breakdown of what browser your viewers are using.
Language: The breakdown of languages set at your viewer's browser level that have viewed projects in your channel.
Audience Location: An interactive map of viewer statistics across countries and states.
Project Analytics
To access project-level analytics, click the “Analytics” tab in the left-hand navigation. You have the ability to filter these results by Audience or by date. The default date filter will be the date the project in question was created until the current moment in time, but this setting can be customized to whatever date range is needed.
Under the project analytics, you will see a “Sessions” section with a list of sessions within the project. Select your desired session.
Dashboard Metrics:
Total Views: Total number of user visits across any page (home, custom, session, agenda) on an project. A single project view can contain multiple page views.
Live: Total project views that include a live video connection.
On-Demand: Total project views that include an on-demand video connection.
Unique Attendees: Distinct users, counted after the start time of the first live session.
Live: Distinct users who have connected to a live video.
On-Demand: Distinct users who have connected to an on-demand video.
Average Watch-time: Total average minutes of content watched.
Live: Average number of minutes of live video content watched.
On-Demand: Average number of minutes of on-demand video content watched.
Unique Registrations: Distinct (one-time) registrations for the project.
Average Sessions Attended: Average number of sessions attended.
Attendance Rate Percentage: Breakdown of users who attended the project compared to total number of registrations.
Device Type: The breakdown of devices that have viewed the page.
Countries: The breakdown of what region your viewers reside in. This is collected via IP address.
Browser: The breakdown of what browser your viewers are using.
Language: The breakdown of languages set at your viewer's browser level that have viewed projects in your channel.
Audience Location: An interactive map of viewer statistics across countries and states.
Session Analytics
To access session-level analytics, click the “Analytics” tab in the left-hand navigation. Under the channel analytics, you will see an “Projects” section with a list of projects within the channel. Select an project. On that project's analytics page, you will see a “Sessions” section. Select your desired session.
Note: Most available session data fields are the same as on the project-level.
Dashboard Metrics:
Total Views: Every individual page view on an associated session page, identified via email address.
Live: Total live video connections to the associated session.
On-Demand: Total on demand video connections to the associated session.
Unique Attendees: Distinct (only one) touch per user on an associated session page, identified via email address.
Live: Unique users that touched the page during the session broadcast time, identified via email address.
On-Demand: Unique users that touched the page after the start of the session broadcast time but not during the live session.
Session Feedback Score: Attendee scores captured from user feedback surveys.
Average On-Demand Watch-time: Average number of minutes of on-demand video content watched.
Average Live Watch-time: Average number of minutes of live video content watched.
90 Second Video Views: Total unique users that watched 90 seconds or more of a live OR on demand video; excellent way to determine drop-off rate.
Video Retention: By minute, the percentage of users watching the video. Includes total, live, and on-demand indicated by color coded lines.
Live Session Engagement:
Viewer Count: The count of unique live viewers per minute of video.
Chats & Reactions: Will display when Chat and/or Reactions are enabled. Displays on the right as a percentage of viewer usage.
Reactions Percentage: Displays breakdown of reactions submitted by attendees per session.
Device Type: The breakdown of devices that have viewed the page.
Countries: The breakdown of what region your viewers reside in. This is collected via IP address.
Browser: The breakdown of what browser your viewers are using.
Language: The breakdown of languages set at your viewer's browser level that have viewed projects in your channel.
Audience Location: An interactive map of viewer statistics across countries and states.
Attendee List: whether they attended live or watched on-demand, star rating, location, watch-time, and device.
NOTE: As of 3.23.23, we have released an update to the Brandlive Analytics Dashboard. If you need to access a previous project's dashboard and analytics, simply hover over the ⓘ next to “Download Reports” in the upper righthand corner of either the project or session level dashboard and click the link in the popup to revisit your legacy project information.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a way to track user behavior outside of Streams with UTM’s or query strings?
Yes, simply generate a URL with the UTM for the structure you’re using (i.e. Product link, Speaker, or tabs in navigation bar) and paste into the link field.
Does the Brandlive Platform analytics track for duplicates?
It depends on the data set. Registration doesn't track for duplicates, while video views do track each time the viewer engages with the player.
Is video view data collected from the player, or the page views? Is there a way to separate real-time + post-project?
The Videos report pulls directly from the video player and reflects what was consumed live and/or on-demand. You can look at the Video Player data as unique views and the Page View data as total views.
Are you able to pinpoint each attendee’s overall analytics? (i.e. click on Mary and see her stats of retention, location, sessions & videos viewed, etc.)?
Currently an individual’s analytics are split across various reports. We are working on improving insights on the individual level.
Is there access to the number of viewers at a given time, or concurrent views? Something that shows peak viewership and drop off.
Yes, this data is visible in your Session Timeline chart and the Max Concurrent field, on the analytics dashboard.
Can you delete test registrants?
Yes, this is done within the social tab of your project under “Reset registrations.”
Can you see button clicks?
Yes, any button clicks that happen on a session level and we’re expanding that tracking across other pages.
Are you able to get data around how long someone is actively viewing the videos (i.e. for certification reasons)?
Not currently, but we’re working on integrating a “percentage of video completed” for on-demand content.
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