How to: Configure an Outbound Activity Integration with Marketo
When utilizing a Brandlive registration form that is mapped to a Marketo activity dashboard, you have the capability to generate new user profiles and establish custom object entries for all attendees, while also maintaining the ability to update custom object records with attendee-related actions.
Configuration Steps
Step 1: Marketo > Create API Only Role
Step 2: Marketo > Create API Only User
Step 3: Marketo > Create Custom LaunchPoint Service
Step 4: Marketo > Create Custom Object
Step 5: Set up the Integration tile in Brandlive
Step 6: Set up the Activity Integration tile in Brandlive
Step 1: Marketo > Create API Only Role
Step 1: Marketo > Create API Only Role
To create a Brandlive specific Role, click Admin on top of the page and select Users & Roles.
Select Roles on top of the page and then click New Role.
Add a Role Name and in Permissions, expand Access API.
In the Access API section, include the ‘Read-Write Custom Object’ and ‘Read-Write Person’ and click Save.
Note: See Create an API Only User Role for more information.
Step 2: Marketo > Create API Only User
A new user should be created for the integration. It is valuable to use a dedicated, API Only User to distinguish activity from other API Only Users you may have for other services.
To create a Brandlive API Only User, click on Users & Roles on the left tab and then click Users on the top of the page.
Click Invite New User.
A pop-up window will appear. Add Email, First Name, Last Name and click Next.
Select the role API Only Role, check the box for API Only and then click Next.
Click Send in the next window.
The user is created.
Step 3: Marketo > Create Custom LaunchPoint Service
Create a Custom LaunchPoint Service for the Marketo Brandlive Connect service to call out to the Marketo API for creating people and custom object records.
To create a Custom LaunchPoint Service, click on Integration on left navigation bar and then click LaunchPoint.
Click New on the top of the page.
A pop-up for New Service will appear. Add Display Name & choose Custom from the drop-down under Service.
Add a Description and select API Only User (refer to Step 2) from the drop-down and click Create.
After adding the new service, click on LaunchPoint on the left navigation bar, go to your Service Name (ABC Company Test), and click View Details.
You will see your Client Id, Client Secret and Authorized User.
Copy the Client Id and Client Secret to use in step 6.
Go to Web Services on the left Navigation bar and grab the Identity URL (everything before ‘/identity’) to use in Step 6.
Note: See Authentication for more information.
Step 4: Marketo > Create Custom Object
To create a new Custom Object, click on Admin > Database Management and then Marketo Custom Objects in left navigation bar.
Click New Custom Object to create a Custom Object.
A pop-up window to Create Object will appear.
Below is an example of how to configure your Custom Object. You do not need to use the same name as the example however, the field names within the Custom Object should match our example.
- Display Name: Brandlive Attendee
- API Name: BrandliveAttendee_c
- (Required) Show in Person Detail: SHOW
Save the above details for later use. Click Save.
A Custom Object (Brandlive Attendee) is created.
The custom object can include any of these fields but the first 9 fields are mandatory.
After you have added the required fields, go to Custom Object Actions > Approve Object.
See Add Marketo Custom Object Fields, Add Marketo Custom Object Link Fields, and Create Marketo Custom Objects for more information.
Step 5: Set up the Registration Integration Tile in the Brandlive Platform
In the Brandlive Platform, you will need to create an outbound integration tile for registration. This will need to be set up at the Brandlive channel level and can later be adjusted at the project level.
In the Admin Console, navigate to the Settings tab from the top navigation menu, then select "Integrations" from the side navigation.
In the Integrations dashboard, click the +Add button in the top righthand corner, then select Marketo from the popup modal:
Give your integration a name. Under "Integration Type," click the dropdown and choose the “Marketo Custom Object Outbound Registration” option. From there you will need to set a static mapping field and use the following key/value pairs.
You then need to set up your field mappings in Marketo. These fields can also be overwritten at the project level once configured and will need to be enabled per project.
Once configured, you will be prompted to authenticate your Marketo account
Step 6: Set up the Activity Integration tile in Brandlive
In the Brandlive Platform, you will need to create an outbound integration tile for Engagement Activities. This will need to be set up at the channel level and can later be altered at the project level.
In the Admin Console, navigate to the Settings tab from the top navigation menu, then select "Integrations" from the side navigation.
In the Integrations dashboard, click the +Add button in the top righthand corner, then select Marketo from the popup modal:
Give your integration a name. From the "Integration Type" dropdown menu, choose the “Marketo Custom Object Outbound Activity” option. You will then need to set a static mapping field and use the following key/value pairs.
This field can also be overwritten at the project level once configured and will need to be enabled per project.
Once configured, you will be prompted to authenticate your Marketo account if you haven't already.
Step 7: Enabling at the Project Level and Testing Your Configuration
Now you’ve set up both tiles, go to the Project Dashboard and select the project you would like to collect activity for. In the Project Details screen, navigate to the "Integrations" tab.
Toggle on the configured integration tiles.
Then, select "Edit Project" to enter the Sitebuilder. Publish your project for the integration to take effect.
To test your registration integration, copy the project link, go to the project page and submit your registration. You can also send a test record from the above Integrations tile. After registering, engage in some kind of activity -- we recommend entering a test question on the session page.
Then, return to Marketo and search for the email address you registered with. You should see a record of your test registration.
To test your activity integration, wait 5 minutes. Then return to Marketo and navigate to the “Questions Asked” property; it should show the submitted test question.
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