APAC Data Center Migration for Studio and VX - March 7

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Digital Rights Management on Brandlive Platform


What is DRM? 

DRM (Digital Rights Management) provides an extra layer of content security for video content streamed with Brandlive. 

Leveraging DRM blocks or limits the impact of: 

  • Screen recording
  • Screen sharing
  • Downloading tools 

This extra layer of security means that the segments of video that Brandlive delivers are encrypted using MPEG Common Encryption's CBCS mode (which uses AES symmetric cryptography), and an additional license request is required to deliver a decryption key to the video player to initiate playback. 

Brandlive uses the industry standard protocols for delivering DRM protected video content, specifically Google Widevine, Microsoft PlayReady, and Apple FairPlay. 

DRM requires the use of Signed URLs, and when combined with Domain and User-Agent Restrictions, can provide a very strong content production story, up to and including security levels that satisfy the requirements of Hollywood studios.

How does it work?

When a user activates a screen recording of any type, whether that's a screenshot, a screenshare in a Zoom call, or just a regular QuickTime screen capture on their desktop, the entire video playback will display as a black screen and no content will be captured. 

Visual Examples

Example of a webinar without DRM functionality: 

Example of a webinar with DRM functionality: 

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