APAC Data Center Migration for Studio and VX - March 7

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How to: Enter Custom CSS


Customize your site down to the very last detail.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used to change the look, feel, and styling of certain page and web elements. The Brandlive platform supports CSS at both the project and session level. 

Please note that custom CSS is intended for users who are already familiar with the language. If you're interested in additional site customization using CSS, but do not have a team member who is proficient in utilizing it, please reach out to your Account Manager or sales@brandlive.com to learn more about Brandlive Creative Studio services. 

Project Level vs Session Level

There are two places to input CSS: the Project level and the Session Level.

  • Project Level: affects all pages of the site where applicable including the project landing page, registration, home, custom, and session pages.
  • Session Level: affects only the session page for which the CSS has been applied (i.e. hiding chat feed, removing video player, etc.).

Entering Project Level CSS

Open your project in Sitebuilder and navigate to the 3 dot menu in the upper right corner. After clicking on CSS settings, a modal will appear to add your CSS. 

Once complete, click 'Save'.

Entering Session Level CSS

Open your project in Sitebuilder and navigate to the Session you wish to customize. 

Then, select the 'Settings' tab at the top of the page menu:

Scroll down to 'Session Custom CSS' and select the pencil icon.

A modal will appear to add your CSS. 

Once complete, click 'Save'.

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