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How to: Create & Manage Groups


Organize your projects and limit access to projects by role. 

Groups allow Members to organize projects into folders as well as limit other users' access to specific projects by group.  Groups make managing your projects easier and ensures that the right team members have access to edit and view your content. 

Creating a Group

To create a group, select the "Create" button in the top righthand corner on the main page of the Brandlive Admin Console.

A dropdown menu will appear. Select "Event Group":

A modal will appear to name your group, select projects to include in the group (must select at least one project), and optionally add users to the group.

When complete, click "Save":

Your new group will now appear in the lefthand menu. When selected, the dashboard will display all events and projects in the group:

Adding Events to Groups

Events can be added to groups at the time they are created or after they have been created.

To add a new event to a group, simply select the group it should be included in from the dropdown menu in the event creation modal:

Continue filling out the rest of the form and click 'Continue' when complete. 

Editing & Deleting Groups, Titles, and Content 

To delete a group, select your group from the Groups menu and click the three dots that appear. 

Click "Delete" to remove the group. Events in the group will not be deleted. 

To edit your group name or content, select "Edit" from the dropdown menu. 

A modal will appear to edit your group name and add or remove events and users from the group:

Group Permissions

To add or remove users from a group, access the groups menu via the methods above or through the Members sub-tab in Settings.

Note: By default, all users have access to all projects until they are assigned to specific groups.

Navigate to the Settings tab, then the Members sub-tab. 

Then, use the dropdown arrow next to each user under "Project Access" to add or remove them from a group or an individual project:

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