How to: Navigate the Streaming Tab in Greenroom
Find or enter the stream destination credentials of your Greenroom to meet your audience where they are.
From the Streaming tab, Producers can add streaming destinations (RTMP), open the Program Feed, enable the Onsite Program Feed, and Reset Broadcasting. These features can help enable live streams and hybrid workflows, and troubleshoot your stream.
Greenroom builds incredible shows – and once they are built, a destination is required to send the broadcast where it needs to be seen. If you are streaming to the Brandlive platform, a Brandlive destination will be selected by default.
With Greenroom, you can stream to multiple destinations simultaneously. Simply toggle on each of your RTMP enabled destinations.
To add new destinations, select "Add Destination" to add additional options.
Greenroom can be streamed to Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, LinkedIn, or another custom destination. To add a destination not listed, click other at the bottom of the available list to add your own.
No matter the destination selected, there are three key inputs required:
- the RTMP address
- the Stream key
- desired video quality option: 1080p (default), 720p, 480p.
If adding a custom destination, it is required to add a title, and optional to add a logo.
Once created, at least one destination must be toggled on. Note: It is possible to edit a streaming destination, but it is not currently possible to delete a streaming destination.
Program Feed
From the Streaming tab, Producers can open the Program Feed. This creates a second Greenroom tab that is a direct fullscreen output of the Greenroom Canvas. For more details on the Program Feed, click here.
Onsite Program Feed
From the Streaming tab, Producers can open the Onsite Program Feed. This creates a Greenroom tab that is a direct fullscreen output of the Greenroom Canvas, with the option to not output audio of select feeds, improving the hybrid production experience. For more details on activating the Onsite Program Feed, click here.
Reset Broadcasting
Reset Broadcasting is a feature that resets the server point that the Greenroom broadcasts to, ensuring a secure connection to the platform server. For more details on using Reset Broadcasting in troubleshooting situations, click here.
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