December 2024 Releases
- Logins will now remember a users’ preference for signing in with a Magic Link versus a password. If logging in with a password, a magic link Sign In email will not be sent.
- UI refresh to the Integrations page in Settings. All integrations will now show on one page, with no need to filter the various types.
- UI refresh to the Products page in the Content Manager, with new side panel menu and top filtering options.
- Email updates:
- After an event is swapped to On-Demand, the registration confirmation email will no longer display the add to calendar link automatically.
- The project_name values in the subject and body of an email will follow the project name until edited by an admin. They will be independent there after.
- Password login improvements:
- Email confirmation persists for registered users.
- When enabled, the suppress duplicates toggle cannot be used.
- You can now pass chat messages through outbound activity integration.
- Presenter onboarding flow no longer shows on refresh and will take you directly back into the room.
- Conference room improvements:
- Producers now have the ability to remove active conference room users.
- Greenroom security enhancements.
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