How do I configure a Welcome Slide for attendees that login before the webcast is live?
How do I configure a Welcome Slide for attendees that login before the webcast is live?
ANSWER: You can select a slide or video to display as the welcome slide from the slide edit menu. The welcome slide can be any content uploaded into the slides menu and doesn't have to be the first slide in the deck. This can also be a video slide uploaded to the slides list.
If a welcome slide is not selected, the attendees logging in during the early entry time, will see a message in the slides window stating "The presentation will begin momentarily."
How to set a welcome slide:
Studio Webcasting
1. Go to the slide menu and click the edit tool for the slide you want to make a welcome slide.
2. From within the slide edit menu you'll toggle the "Set as the welcome slide" option.
3. Click save and reload the webcast console, you should now see this welcome slide display by default when any user logs in prior to the webcast going live.
1. Click the 'Content' menu tab on the left tool bar. Click the slides menu to view all slides currently uploaded.
2. Click the edit slide button for the slide you want to make the welcome slide.
3. Click the "Set as the welcome slide" and then click save.
4. The welcome slide will show a "W" on it's thumbnail once the configuration is saved.
5. Reload the webcast to see the welcome slide display for any attendee logging in prior to the start time.
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