Studio Webcast Console Panel Features
This article details the available panel features that can be enabled in a webcast or when creating a webcast console template. (Note: The items listed in this article do not apply to the Studio Accessible Layouts. The Studio Accessible Layouts are limited in their customization.)
If you need assistance in creating a webcast console template or need to adjust an existing webcast console template, please reach out to Solutions.
See this article for general dimension guidelines for various images.
For each panel type detailed in this document, the following attributes will be noted:
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Number of instances the panel can be added to the webcast console. |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes: If yes, the panel is activated and present in a standard Studio console template.
No: If no, the panel is not active or present in a standard Studio console template but the feature can be activated.
Settings |
Additional settings required for setup of the panel.
Available on Mobile |
Yes: If yes, the panel appears when viewing the webcast on a mobile device.
No: If no, the panel does not appear when viewing the webcast on a mobile device.
Studio Webcast Console Template Requirements
The below will outline required information when providing webcast console template requirements. As a reminder, when creating templates, users should:
- Design to a 1280x768 content area (the Viewport).
- Note which panels are available on screen at load (Open panels) and which are available by
panel bar icon only (“Initially Closed” panels). - Determine the placement of all panels. (Open and Initially Closed panels).
- Note if panels will be able to be moved, resized, maximized or closed.
- Provide colors for the panel frames and panel bar icons (Examples in this document are blue or
purple). - Provide information for the panel frame label names.
- Provide console background image.
Studio Webcast Console Panel Features:
Include the “Image” panel and insert imagery on the console by uploading a file to the CMS (or use existing CMS files). Images can be linked to third party websites, if desired. You may need to temporarily move existing panels to view/move the image to the desired location once uploaded.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Unlimited |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
No |
Include a “Link” panel to insert a link that will direct the user to a 3rd party website.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Unlimited |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Link requirements:
Available on Mobile |
No |
Text/HTML (Custom CSS)
Edit the HTML content to make advanced customizations to the webcast background.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Unlimited |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
No |
Studio Layout Header Image
Add or remove the header image panel to customize the layout. The header image must be previously uploaded in the Studio's backend Layout tab.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Unlimited |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
No |
Text/HTML (Framed)
The “HTML/Text” panel allows for the inclusion of raw HTML or plain text. You may embed code from 3rd party sites or simply enter instructional text.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Unlimited |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Content entry for text and/or HTML code
Available on Mobile |
No |
Web Address (URL)
The “Web Address” panel is used to display a fully interactive webpage. The webpage will function just as though an attendee had pulled it up in their browser window, allowing full exploration.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Unlimited |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
No |
Webcast Header Image
Add the webcast logo image panel to customize branding. The header image must be previously uploaded in the Studio’s backend Settings tab.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Unlimited |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
No |
Presentation Features
Easily display the abstract, as created during the webcast setup, by including an “Abstract” panel.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
Yes |
Carbon Savings (CO2)
Include a “Carbon Savings” panel to highlight the impact each attendee has made by attending the event virtually.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
No |
By including a “Chapters” panel, attendees can navigate the webcast by chapter, allowing a simple viewing experience. Slide content must be marked as “Set Slide as Chapter,” in the webcast setup, for the panel to populate Chapters.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
Yes |
Chat or Studio Chat
Include a “Chat” or “Studio Chat” panel to allow all users to communicate with each other. Comments made in the chat panel are automatically viewable to all users but can be removed after published, if needed.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes |
Settings |
Edit opt in text (optional)
Available on Mobile |
Yes |
Email the Speaker
Include a “Chat” panel to allow all users to communicate with each other. Comments made in the chat
panel are automatically viewable to all users but can be removed after published, if needed.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
Yes |
Include an “Interprefy” panel to enable simultaneous interpretation for multilingual events, through the
online platform Interprefy.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Interprefy token
Available on Mobile |
Yes |
Invite a Friend
Increase registration and attendance by including the “Invite a Friend” panel. This will allow attendees to
invite friends or colleagues to register and attend the webcast.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
Yes |
Promote Attendee to Stage
Promote Attendee to Stage provides attendees the ability to request to join the presenters on webcam and microphone to ask questions, or provide their thoughts, during a live webcast. The feature will help increase viewer engagement during the Q&A or open discussions throughout the course of a webcast.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
Yes |
Speaker Bio
Easily display speaker information, as created during the webcast setup, by including a “Speaker Bio”
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
Yes |
Studio Handouts
By including a “Handouts” panel, attendees can view and/or download webcast specific documents and
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
Yes |
Studio Media Player
This panel controls the playback of the audio/video for the webcast; it is a required panel and should be on the screen at load (Open), in all cases.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
Yes |
Studio My Certificates
Include the “Studio My Certificates” panel and allow attendees to view their earned certificate(s) based on
the Course CPE requirements.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes |
Settings |
Must be setup in the backend Studio Tools > CPE Setup tab
Available on Mobile |
Yes |
Studio Slides
To display slide content uploaded for the webcast, include a “Slides” panel. The slides panel is where all
slide content (PowerPoint, Polling Questions, Media File, Test, etc.) will appear for the attendee.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
Yes |
Include a “Wordly” panel to enable simultaneous interpretation for multilingual events, through the
online platform Wordly.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Wordly Session ID
Available on Mobile |
No |
Question and Answer
Studio: Q&A
The “Studio: Q&A” panel is used when a standard question queue is implemented. This panel allows
attendees to ask questions and receive text based or verbal responses
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
Yes |
Social Media
Facebook Like Button
The Like button lets a user share with friends on Facebook. When the user clicks the Like button on your
site, a story appears in the user’s friends’ News Feed with a link.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
No |
Social Share Widget
Include the “Social Share Widget” and allow attendees to share the event’s Registration or Login Page via
Email, Facebook, and Twitter. Upon successful registration or login, the user will be taken directly to the
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
No |
Include a “Twitter” panel and allow attendees to tweet during the webcast via a designated Twitter
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Unlimited |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
Yes |
Yammer Feed
Harness the power of your enterprise social platform by making Yammer available.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Unlimited |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
No |
Virtual Event
Blog Space
Include a “Blog Space” for an existing or new blog to be displayed within your event.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Unlimited |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Select existing blog spaces - or create a blog space
Available on Mobile |
No |
Chat Room
Allow attendees to communicate, openly, with each other via text, by including the “Chat Room” panel.
Comments made in the chat panel are automatically viewable to all users but can be removed after
published, if needed.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Unlimited |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Select existing chat rooms - or create a chat room
Available on Mobile |
Yes |
Course Completion Tracker
Display a CPE Course requirements, by including the “Course Completion Tracker” panel. This will allow
attendees to view their personal completion status based on the CPE requirements and will update in real
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Unlimited |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
CPE requirements must be preconfigured in the backend Studio Tools > CPE Setup tab
Available on Mobile |
No |
Course Test
Display a Test for attendees to take within the live environment, by including the “Course Test” panel.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Unlimited |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
Yes |
Message Board
Include a “Message Board” to communicate messages to your audience within the environment.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Unlimited |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Select existing message board - or create a new message board
Available on Mobile |
No |
Display a Survey to be completed in the live environment, by including the “Survey” panel. This will allow
attendees an opportunity to complete a survey during the webcast.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Unlimited |
Available on Panel Bar |
No |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
No |
User List
Include a “User List” panel to display a list of users with several filtering options.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
Unlimited |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
No |
Video Collection
Include a “Video Collection” panel to display your environment’s video collection.
Maximum Panels Allowed |
One |
Available on Panel Bar |
Yes |
Settings |
Available on Mobile |
No |
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