APAC Data Center Migration for Studio and VX - March 7

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Registration Restriction by Email Address or Domain in Studio Webcasting


In Studio Webcasting, for webcasts that require registration, you can restrict your pool of registrants by either whitelisting or blacklisting specific domains or email addresses. To access this feature, navigate to TOOLS> Registration Options>Restrictions:



Select which feature you would like to use, either restricting/allowing registrants by domain or by email address.

Let’s look at DOMAINS first:


Once you select this option, use the dropdown to either select “Allowed domains” (whitelisting) or “Blocked domains” (blacklisting). Making this selection will lead you to a new menu:


This menu will look the same regardless of whether you are whitelisting or blacklisting users. From this window, you can type or copy-paste the list of domains you would like to allow/block.  NoteIn order for a registration not to save, you will need to remove the “@” symbol in front of all of the email domain’s in the restricted list.  You can also import an email domain restriction list by clicking the LAUNCH button, which will open a new window:



Click CHOOSE FILE to open a file upload window or drag your list to this box to upload it. Your file must be in a character-separated format such as CSV or tab-delimited where each row of values occupies its own line in the file. Once you have uploaded your file, select the type of column delimiter that matches your file (either Comma or Tab), confirm whether the first row contains column names or not by enabling the toggle, and confirm which column number contains the actual email domains in your document. Once you have set these parameters, click IMPORT. The domains in your document should now show up in a list:


Next, select the Rejection Action for the users who are not part of the allowed email domains. Your options are:

  • Do not save information: user registration attempts will be deleted with no record kept of the action
  • Save as pending registration: this option will allow you to manually approve or block registrations from domains outside of the list you uploaded (to approve or delete a pending registration, go to TOOLS>Registration Options>Activity and search for pending registrations).
  • Save as deleted registrations: this option will keep a record of the blocked registrations (to access the list of deleted registration, go to TOOLS>Registration Options>Activity and search for deleted registrations).

Finally, you can add a Rejection Message to display to the users who attempt to register with an email address that is not part of the whitelisted domains by typing or copy-pasting the text into the box.


Once you have configured your options, click SAVE to enable them.

Now, let’s look at the EMAIL ADDRESSES tab, which allows you to blacklist specific email addresses or only allow specific email addresses:

Like the DOMAINS tab, the menu will look the same regardless of whether you choose to Blacklist or Whitelist a specific set of email addresses. Once you configure the restriction type, you can type or copy-paste specific email addresses, to you can upload an email restriction list by clicking LAUNCH. This will open a new menu:


Click CHOOSE FILE to open a file upload window or drag your list to this box to upload it. Your file must be in a character-separated format such as CSV or tab-delimited where each row of values occupies its own line in the file. Once you have uploaded your file, select the type of column delimiter that matches your file (either Comma or Tab), confirm whether the first row contains column names or not by enabling the toggle, and confirm which column number contains the actual email addresses in your document. Once you have set these parameters, click IMPORT. The email addresses in your document should now show up in a list:


Blocked attendees who attempt to register will receive a confirmation email as if they registered, however when attempting to login they will see an "Account is Inactive!" error message. 

Blocked attendees email addresses will also appear in the registration list so you can see who attempted to view the webcast.


NOTE: Users who previously registered before a registration restriction was implemented, will still be able to enter the environment. 

           -Admins should specify which to use, either domain restriction or email address restriction. You cannot enable both in an event, an error might occur if both are selected.

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