APAC Data Center Migration for Studio and VX - March 7

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Solutions Team Emergency Contact Information


Self-service customers, partners and internal teams who need assistance during a Live Day Emergency Issue may contact the Solutions Team for any Brandlive products.

We will assist as soon as possible, within a maximum of 30 minutes. Please include the ShowKey or Webcast Diagnostics (and a webcast staffer link with admin rights, if applicable).

If you have an existing ticket, please create a new ticket for each new emergency issue. If the webcast or event is not live at the time of contact, please put the live date / time in the subject line so that your request may be prioritized accordingly.

 1. Web Form (preferred): https://support.brandlive.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Select the request type of  "Emergency - Immediate Live Day Assistance Required"


2. Phone:

Australia Toll: +61 3 9069 9535
Australia Toll-Free: +61 1300 980 408
France Toll: +33 1 86 26 24 23
France Toll-Free: +33 805 08 05 16
Germany: +49 341 92881939
Hong Kong: +852 3001 6775
Japan: +81 50 3183 8650
Mexico: +52 55 4162 2803
Spain: +34 902 01 86 04
UK Toll: +44 20 3917 4398
UK Toll Free: +44 808 189 6170
US Toll Free: +1 866 455 0897
US Toll: +1 847 457 4496


3. Email: Streamingemergency@brandlive.com


Please note, should an issue need to be escalated to our Tier 3 Product Team, a resolution may be provided during U.S. Business Hours, M-F, depending on severity.

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