Is it possible to clear the Studio Q&A Questions entered?
Question: Is it possible to clear the Studio Q&A Questions entered?
In Studio Webcasting, in order to remove any submitted questions before the live date run time, a user will need to Reset the Webcast Questions & Answers Activity. This feature will remove the submitted questions from any reporting tools.
For VE Studio Webcasts:
The clearing of the activity for presentations should only be done before the event has gone live.
If the event is currently live with past test questions, it is best to ignore the submitted questions and not publish an answer. The attendee's will not view a question when it is not published.
When clearing the questions for a Virtual Event the system removes the questions from all the presentations and not just a specific one. The option to clear the questions can be found in the option "Reset Event Activity" which is albeit a complex setting.
For further studying about Reset Event Activity you may refer this following url:
Reset Event Activity
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