Introducing Teamwork
Brandlive is pleased to announce the launch of Teamwork, an internal fulfillment tracking tool that will be used to augment customer webcast usage and reporting.
Teamwork allows for the tracking of webcast and event usage against customer contracts and simplifies the process of tracking usage by the Brandlive team. Customers can now work with us to set up different “projects” to capture information about who is utilizing the contracted webcasts within your company.
The Teamwork application is not customer facing but is linked directly to Studio. You will see a small change in Studio when we enable the Teamwork “Project Picker” at the tenant level on September 24, 2022.
The Project Picker
When creating a new webcast in Studio you will see a new screen, the Project Picker, and be asked to select the appropriate project for the webcast.
The default setup will have all of your tenants tied to a single Teamwork project, which represents the overall contract. If you have no additional tracking needs, you will simply select this project and resume your normal webcast setup.
Additional Projects
The introduction of the Project Picker allows you to track your usage in more detail if you so choose. For example, you may want to separately track usage for internal communications and marketing webcasts. Or you may want to separately track your EMEA events team and North American events team.
For these scenarios we can create separate projects, and users simply need to select the use case of the webcast when they are setting it up. Teamwork projects have both a Number and a Title, so your users will be clear on where to book their webcasts.
Simply highlight the appropriate project and click “select”. You will be returned to your regular workflow and can continue to create your webcast.
If a webcast gets booked into the wrong project, a Teamwork admin can correct this on the back end. Simply submit a ticket and we will correct it.
We can create as many projects as you need, with titles that are relevant to your team. Projects are flexible and we can add additional projects as your needs evolve.
Please reach out to your Customer Service Manager or Account Executive to help with setup.
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