Why does my encoder source not play when I add it to the scene in an audio only webcast?
Why does my encoder source not play when I add it to the scene in an audio only webcast?
A: The media type settings of the webcast must match the settings of the stream the encoder is sending. If the encoder is sending video and audio in the stream, the media type needs to be set to video and audio. If the encoder is only sending an audio stream, the media type needs to be set to audio only.
You can update the media type in Studio by clicking on the cogwheel icon, then opening the settings menu. You must be logged in as a presenter with the Setup Edit feature enabled to access this menu. If you do not have access to the settings menu, and cannot update your staffer role, please contact the Solutions team for assistance.
NOTE: If the encoder stream does not match the media type in Studio, the source will not stream content into the webcast media panel when it is added to the scene.
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