Studio Presenter Console
- Feature Sheet: Q&A Mobile and Tablet Access for Moderators
- As a presenter, is Internet Explorer an option?
- Can a webcast attendee be a Q&A moderator without accessing the Studio presenter console?
- Can I use a remote desktop to configure settings on a speakers computer?
- Can staffers view content through Amplify?
- How can I moderate a group chat?
- Recommended Specifications for Video Uploads
- Can I use my VCU as a source in Studio?
- How do I preview a source in Studio?
- Speaker Experience: Greenroom
- Virtual Backgrounds
- Speaker Experience - Promote Attendee to Stage
- How to Upload Slides – Presenter Console
- Slide Issues after uploading.
- What is the Character Limit on Slide Title
- Can I play hold music for the audience before the webcast starts?
- How do I configure a remote for speakers to the advance slides?
- Can I make a Polling Question NOT required?
Screen Share
- What happens if my Audio Only webcast is set to Video and Audio?
- Studio Quick Polling
- How do I enable Studio Emojis?
- How do I remove the option to fast forward through an on demand webcast?
- How do I add a Standby Image in Studio?
- How does Disable Forward Seeking work in Studio?
Testing & Troubleshooting
- Studio Attendee Help Guide
- Studio and Adaptive Bitrate Streaming for Attendees
- Connectivity Troubleshooting & Studio Speaker Help Guide
- Viewing Studio webcasts in Safari using High Sierra
- Speaker passed the speaker test but has a delayed browser connection to Studio
- Speaker test for Studio compatibility
Monitor Tool
- Social Streaming Best Practices Guide
- Monitor Tool Feature Sheet
- Studio Social Media Streaming Guides
- How To Run a Kollective Webcast
- What is Domain Targeting?
- Why am I seeing UNKNOWN in the Studio Monitor Tool?
Producer Tool
- Templates for Overlay Images
- What is the Compositor?
- What is a Scene Designer?
- Studio Quality of Experience (QoE) Report
- Can I create a scene with three video sources without Active Speaker?
- What is the maximum number of on-camera speakers that can be supported?
- Studio Simulive Guide
- Video Slide during Simulive
- Why do I see an error message stating "Simulive selected but no Simulive Media Input Configured" in the webcast Notifications?
- Why does my Auto-Start webcast start late?
- Video slide playback in simulive presentations
- When running a Simulive presentation, does the webcast timer display the countdown for how much time is left in the Pre-Recorded media?
Articles related to CPE settings, certificates and course information.
Languages & Captioning
Second Screen
- How do you add Second Screen ability to your webcast?
- What are the bandwidth requirements for Second Screen?
- Can attendees log into second screen before the webcast opens?
- Does the 'Email the Speaker' panel work in second screen?
- If an event/webcast requires registration with a password, can Second Screen be setup to use “Email & Name Login Method”?
- In the Second Screen setup option, what is the difference between “Email & Name Login Method” and “Standard Login Method”?
Media Playback & Attendee View
- When do attendees have access to the Chat Panel?
- How to ensure the Screenshare displays as a separate panel
- Attendee - Video Slide playback
- Attendee Audio Options
- How to add Subtitles/Closed Captioning to a Simulive or On Demand webcast
- Best Practice: Using blue tooth may cause sync issues between Audio and Video.
Webcast Recordings
- Downloading Webcast Media in Studio
- Is there a way to export the Webcast Recording of a presentation, to be a different FPS than the default?
- Slides only Recording creates Full Console mp4
- Why are my slides cut off in the webcast recording file?
- Can a custom default option be configured for Webcasting recordings?
- How long does it take to generate a Webcast Recording (.mp4 file) in Studio?
Media Editor
- Media Editor Glossary
- How to combine a Recorded Media File with an Uploaded Media File.
- How to swap a slide in a presentation that is already recorded and on-demand
- Is it possible to import webcast media and cue points from an existing webcast into a new webcast in the same tenant?
- How to Export Cuepoints and Import to Another
- How to Combine Multiple Webcast Recordings with Media Mode