APAC Data Center Migration for Studio and VX - March 7

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Studio Social Media Streaming Guides


Use these following guidelines to enable streaming of Live or Simulive video feeds from Studio directly to YouTube Live and Facebook Live using the Monitor Tool.

Facebook Live

Log in to your organization’s Facebook page as an administrator. Create a new post by following the Facebook Live Video instructions found here:


Now that you have scheduled your Facebook Live event, move to the Studio console to set up the stream that will be delivered directly to Facebook.

While logged in the Studio Console, access the Monitor Tool by clicking on TOOLS in the main menu.


Click on MONITOR TOOL. This will open the interface in a new window.


Once the Monitor Tool is open, click on the OUTPUTS tab and click on the (+) button.


Select the FACEBOOK LIVE stream option.


Add a Title to your stream. This title will be used to identify the stream in the OUTPUTS section of the Monitor Tool. 

Copy and paste the Server URL and the Stream Key from Facebook.  Refer to the Facebook instructions here: https://www.facebook.com/facebookmedia/get-started/live#setup-and-preview


Once you’ve added the stream info, the SAVE button will appear. Hit SAVE before leaving this menu.


Now that you’ve configured your OUTPUTS, go back to the Studio console and click on START WEBCAST. Verify your live video feed at least 20 minutes before the scheduled start time. To verify it, preview the feed by opening the scheduled video in the Video Library of your organization’s Facebook page.



YouTube Live

Log in to your YouTube Live account and configure your live stream. YouTube instructions can be found here: https://support.google.com/youtube/topic/6136989\

Once you have set up your stream, access the Studio console and follow the steps below.

While logged in the Studio Console, access the Monitor Tool by clicking on TOOLS in the main menu.


Click on MONITOR TOOL. This will open the interface in a new window.


Once the Monitor Tool is open, click on the OUTPUTS tab and click on the (+) button.


Select the YOUTUBE LIVE stream option.


Add a Title to your stream. This title will be used to identify the stream in the OUTPUTS section of the Monitor Tool. 

Copy and paste the Server URL and the Stream name/key from YouTube. For instructions, visit this page: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2907883


Once you’ve added the stream info, the SAVE button will appear. Hit SAVE before leaving this menu.


Now that you’ve configured your stream settings, go back to the Studio console and START WEBCAST to test or begin your live stream.


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  • These guides were updated on 06/23/2018

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