APAC Data Center Migration for Studio and VX - March 7

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Studio Simulive Guide


 The first step in running a Simulive presentation is to pre-record the speakers presentation or upload a previously recorded media file.

To upload a pre-recorded media file, please click here for instructions.

To accomplish the former, set the presentation to Live in the settings of WEBCASTING or the presenter console.


For Webcam/Video presentations, the Media Type should be set to Video and Audio.  For purely Audio presentations, the Media Type should be set to Audio Only.


Once the speaker is ready to record, click on START WEBCAST.


When the speaker has concluded, click on END WEBCAST. If you programmed an exit action, make sure the Perform Exit Action and Place On Demand toggles are inactive before you click on END WEBCAST.


Once you have recorded media in your presentation, go to the webcast settings in the presenter console toolbar and switch the presentation from Live to Simulive.

While you can lower the Frame Size or Frame Rate of the Simulive version if necessary, it is recommended not to change these settings, as changes might add further compression to your media.


If the Auto Start toggle is enabled, your Simulive presentation will start automatically at the time set in the Settings within WEBCASTING, VX or Video Portals.

Note - There is a scheduled job that runs for the auto start and at times it will complete 30-60 seconds after the scheduled start time.  

If the Auto End toggle is enabled, once the pre-recorded media version has ended, the presentation will automatically end and trigger the exit action if configured. For this reason, Auto End should only be used in simulive webcasts that will not contain any "live" elements.

Use the Media Version dropdown menu to select the Media Version you want to play Simulive. This Media Version is different from the On Demand version.


Once you save your settings and the console refreshes, a new media source will appear in the list. The number in the brackets refers to the Media Version you selected. You can also check the duration of the Media Version as a secondary check.

While in Rehearsal Mode, you can add the source to the scene to confirm the correct one is selected, and you can change the Media Version volume if necessary.

NOTE: If you have a separate slides panel in your webcast, slides will NOT advance during Rehearsal Mode. To test slide advances in your Simulive presentation, start your webcast before attendees join.


Before you begin your Simulive presentation, click on Restart Media so your Simulive Media Version will begin playing from 00:00.


Once you’ve clicked on Restart Media and are ready to begin, click on START WEBCAST.


Once you begin your presentation, your Simulive Media will begin to play. You can monitor the time left on your file under the name of the source.


If you plan on going Live after your Simulive Media plays (for example a live Q&A), click on the correct source to add it to the scene AFTER the timer on your Simulive Media runs out. You are now live!


When you are ready to end your webcast and if you did not enable the Auto End toggle, click on END WEBCAST. If you programmed an exit action, make sure the toggle to trigger it is selected before you click on END WEBCAST.

You can select the Place On Demand toggle to choose the current simulive recording (and live portion, if applicable) to go on demand, or end the webcast without enabling the on demand archive. Refresh your browser when done to see the changes take effect.


If you enabled the Auto End toggle, the webcast will end when the pre-recorded media ends and will trigger the exit action if it was added.

Once your presentation is done, you can confirm the On Demand Media Version by going to the SETTINGS menu. Studio will default to the most recent recording, but you have the option to select a different Media Version if you want. Make sure to click SAVE before you leave this menu.


BEST PRACTICE: We highly suggest testing and monitoring your Simulive presentation on a separate browser with an Attendee View open.

NOTE: Presentations that include a slides panel and cuepoints can only be played Simulive if the pre-recorded content plays first.

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