APAC Data Center Migration for Studio and VX - March 7

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How does Disable Forward Seeking work in Studio?



Question: When the On Demand > Disable Forward Seeking option is enabled in Studio, what is the expected behavior?

Answer: Disable Forward Seeking keeps track of the furthest point the user has watched the webcast and allows seeking within that range.

Example: If the webcast is only 18 minutes and you have previously watched all 18 minutes, then you are allowed to seek for the full duration if you watch it again. If you watch a presentation that has Disable Forward Seeking enabled and you only watch the first 5 minutes, upon your return the forward seeking will allow you to seek until the 5 minute mark. You will not be able to seek past the 5 minute mark until you have a longer viewing duration.

NOTE:  For users, there is still the visible capability to drag the fast forward scrubber into any part of the presentation, however as noted above the fast forwarding will only progress to the duration that was previously watched.

The Disable Forward Seeking option can be found in the following product menus:

Studio > Settings Menu

VX Admin > Content Structure > Presentation Edit Menu


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