What is the Compositor?
The Compositor is accessible in the Producer Tool of the presenter console. The compositor allows you to control the scenes you created within the scene designer and decide when to push them into the live stream. When a scene is selected, it will display in the "Preview" window. Once "Push to Air" is selected, the scene has been pushed into the live stream for attendee viewing and will display in the "On Air" window.
Scenes can be brought in and out as often as needed throughout the live webcast. Additionally, if there is a need to move away from a scene, any active sources can be pushed live from the compositor.
Be mindful, when the webcast is live and the compositor is in use, pushing scenes and sources can not be managed in the presenter console. This must be managed in the compositor.
As part of the compositor, you now have the ability to add overlay layers (e.g. Presenter Name, Department, Title) to the media stream. One or multiple overlay images can be uploaded and placed into a scene. When adding an overlay image, you will want to scale your image to the frame size of your media panel. This will allow for the overlay to display in the appropriate spot on the media panel.
Click here for a complete training video on how to use the compositor.
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