CPE Admin Tool
The CPE Admin Tool has been added to Studio Webcasting and Virtual Events. It will allow tenant administrators to manage their CPE completions and certificates for all their attendees that attended a webcast requiring CPE.
In Studio Webcasting, navigate to TOOLS>CPE Admin
In Virtual Events, navigate to CONTENT STRUCTURE>Presentations>next to the title, select CPE Admin
In Video Portals and Channel Theaters using Program Wizard, navigate to the PROGRAMS>Select the appropriate Program>TOOLS>Continuing Professional Education>CPE ADMIN TOOL
In the Select area you can:
- Select All users. This will automatically select all users that attended the webcast regardless if they met the CPE requirements.
- Select Complete users. This will automatically select users that attended the webcast and completed the CPE requirements.
- Select Incomplete users. This will automatically select users that attended the webcast and DID NOT complete the CPE requirements.
- Select None. This will not select any users.
By inserting a Completion Date Override, this will override the date and time the user completed the CPE requirements indicated in the COMPLETED column. This will also override the date and time that displays on the users certificate. For the override to take effect, you must select the applicable user(s) name followed by AWARD COMPLETIONS or REGENERATE CERTIFICATES.
AWARD COMPLETIONS would be selected if the users status is incomplete. AWARD COMPLETIONS will change the users status to complete and deploy a certificate, if enabled.
REGENERATE CERTIFICATES would be selected if the users status is complete and you'd like to send a user(s) certificate.
The users details contain:
- Name
- Company
- Completed (date/time the user met the CPE requirement including the option to download the certificate IF one was given)
- Column per CPE requirement (green dot=complete/red dot=incomplete)
- Duration (Required Viewing Minutes)
- Checkpoints (Checkpoint Completion Percent)
- Polls (Required Polling Submission Rate)
- Specific Poll (Required Polling)
- Complete Test (Required Tests)
Use REGENERATE CERTIFICATES to send a specific user or a group of users a certificate. To take effect, you must select the user(s) name followed by REGENERATE CERTIFICATES.
Use RECALCULATE COMPLETIONS if the CPE requirements have changed AFTER the webcast has completed. This will recalculate the completion status for a user. To take effect, you must select the user(s) name followed by RECALCULATE COMPLETIONS.
Use AWARD COMPLETIONS to change a users incomplete status to complete. To take effect, you must select the user(s) name followed by AWARD COMPLETIONS. If a certificate is enabled, this will also deploy the certificate.
CPE certificates are available in the CPE admin for 365 days starting from the certificate creation date and time. To access certificates in the CPE admin after this expiration date an admin users will need to regenerate the certificate from the CPE admin. Attendees are unaffected since they receive a unique PDF file.
Note: When regenerating a certificate, the certificate will be sent out to the attendee user by email as well.
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