How to Setup an Audio Only Output in the Monitor Tool

The below will outline how to setup an AUDIO ONLY Output in the Monitor Tool including available filters to target a specific audience that will receive AUDIO ONLY when viewing the webcast.

Launch Studio as an Admin and select TOOLS>MONITOR TOOL.

In the MONITOR TOOL, select OUTPUTS followed by the  icon.  Select DASH and/or the HLS output.

Note:  If the audience you are targeting will be viewing on the IE 11 browser, you must add an HLS output.  If you are unsure, it is recommended to add an output for both Dash and HLS.

Take the following actions:

  • Insert the Output Title
  • Select the Default Encoding Profile. Select VIEW to view the settings. If a custom profile is needed, Please contact us by completing the form on this link
  • DO NOT update the CDN
  • Select AUDIO ONLY for Highest Quality Level
  • Set the Precedence to a 1 or higher. The precedence for an audio-only output always needs to be higher than the default Dash and HLS outputs

Once complete, click SAVE.

Upon immediate save, your newly added Output will display.  Select    followed by 

Enable Include Filters and select MANAGE FILTERS.

Select    and choose the appropriate filter. The filter selected will be used to target a specific audience that will receive AUDIO ONLY when viewing the webcast.

The available filters are:

  • Attendee Type
    *Online Events only
  • Sponsor Type
    *Online Events only
  • Email Domain
  • Country
  • State
  • Public IP Address
  • Specific User


Using the drop-down, add one to multiple Attendee Types.

*Online Events Only


Using the drop-down, add one to multiple Sponsor Types.

*Online Events Only


Enter one to multiple Email Domains.


Using the drop-down, add one to multiple Countries.


Add one or multiple users.  The specific user(s) must exist in the tenant for this to apply.


Enter one or multiple Public IP Addresses.

Once all applicable filters are saved, you will be presented with a list of OUTPUT FILTERS.

To edit a filter, select  .  To delete a filter, select  .

When the webcast is started, the users defined in the filter(s) will receive the audio-only feed of the stream.  The AUDIO ONLY users will see the full media panel, but instead of seeing the video, they will see the standby image.

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