APAC Data Center Migration for Studio and VX - March 7

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What is Domain Targeting?


Q: What is Domain Targeting?

A: Domain Targeting is a feature in the Monitor Tool that allows you to send a specific output stream to one set of users based on specific filters used to identify those attendees. The user groups can be defined in multiple ways such as email domain, IP address, or country for example. The full list of available filters is shown in the steps below when creating a filter.

In the Monitor Tool, it is possible to setup multiple output streams for Live or Simulive webcasts. By default there will always be a DASH and HLS output stream configured automatically for every webcast. These default streams should not be updated, unless absolutely necessary.

To add a targeted stream, a new output stream must be created by clicking the + icon and selecting the type of output you want to create. The available options are DASH, HLS, Youtube Live and Facebook Live.

For most use cases it is recommended that you create a targeted stream for both DASH and HLS, so that viewers on all devices can receive the targeted stream. In this example, we are setting up a targeted Dash stream, but the process is the same for both Dash and HLS.

After selecting the type of output, you would enter a title of the output stream, select an Encoding Profile, select the CDN to use to deliver the media, select the Highest Quality Level and set the Precedence.

The default values for Encoding Profile and CDN are typically what will be used. If custom profiles or alternate CDNs are needed, please contact the Solutions team for assistance.

The quality level setting will determine the bitrate that will be set by default for users viewing this stream. In this example, we are creating a stream for low bandwidth users, so will select the Low Quality setting.

The Precedence of the stream is the last setting to be updated. In order for the targeting to work, the targeted stream needs to have a higher precedence value than default streams. The default streams will be set with a Precedence of 0, so any targeted streams should be set to at least 1. Once this has been set, save your changes to see the new output stream.

These steps would then be repeated for the HLS stream. The screenshot below shows an example of the Dash output stream settings.

After creating the stream, you will then need to enable filters for the output stream. Select the three dots to expand the settings overview for the output. You will notice in the example below that Include Filters is set to false by default, so this will need to be enabled and setup for the targeting to function. Select the pencil icon to edit the output settings.


Next you will see a toggle for Include Filters has been added to the settings menu. Enable this toggle, then select Manage Filters.

Create a new filter by clicking the + button. There are 7 options available for creating filters: Attendee Type, Sponsor Type, Email Domain, Country, State, Public IP Address, Specific User. Select the desired filter. In this example, we will use the Email Domain filter for our output.

Once the Email Domain filter type has been selected, enter the email domain you wish to target with this stream output. DO NOT include the @ symbol before the domain. Hit the Enter key after you have typed the email domain and see the domain appear in your list. Repeat for any additional domains that you would like to receive this specific targeted stream. Click save to add the domain(s) to the output stream filter.

Click Output Settings to return to the main settings page. Save changes to the output to confirm the filters have been setup.

It is highly recommended that the outputs be tested before the live day. You can login using the domain, or other filter type, that was setup in the output settings by logging in as an attendee through the login page. You must start the webcast in order to see the stream and confirm the proper bitrate is being received.

Since this example used the Low Quality option for the Highest Quality Level setting, the cog wheel for adaptive bitrates will not display, since there is not another bitrate stream for the users to adapt up to. You can see in this in the example below:

If the Medium Quality or High Quality options were chosen the cog wheel would appear as normal, since there would be other bitrate streams available.


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