APAC Data Center Migration for Studio and VX - March 7

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How do I configure requirements in the CPE Setup menu?


Q: How to I configure requirements in the CPE Setup menu?

A: You are able to add CPE requirements using the CPE Setup menu. This allows you to define specific settings that your attendees must meet in order to receive a certificate. Once an attendee completes these requirements, which can be monitored using the Course Completion Tracker panel in your layout, they will be able to download the certificate within the webcast and also receive it via email. Below is an example of the Course Completion Tracker panel:

After enabling CPE, you can choose to award a certificate of completion to attendees that complete the requirements. You would create a background either using the preset background image templates, or uploading your own background image, then adding variables to display user and webcast data within the certificate. The certificate will be created as a PDF when downloaded by your attendees. Refer to the links below for details and best practices on creating certificate templates.
Certificate Best Practices
Certificate Variable Best Practices


Next, you can create Custom Merge Variables to display custom data within your certificates, if the default variables do not include the desired data you wish to show.
How to add custom merge variables to certificates

You will then setup the details included within the certificate email that is delivered upon completion of the requirements. The email subject and completion messaged can be customized with text, as desired, and the PDF certificate will be attached.


Finally, you will configure your CPE requirements. Each of the requirements defined must be completed in order for an attendee to receive a certificate.

The CPE Metrics report allows you to review the users that attended, in order to confirm they completed the requirements. The report can be added to your data portal by contacting Solutions.

The CPE Admin tool also allows you to review completions, regenerate certificates, recalculate completion status after changing the requirements, or assign completion status to a user that did not complete the requirement. The link below includes additional details on how to use and interpret the data found in the CPE Admin tool.
CPE Admin Tool

The requirement options are outlined with details below:

  • Required Viewing Minutes: Amount of time attendees much watch the webcast
  • Require Polling Submission Rate: Percentage of polls attendees must respond to
  • Required Polling: Specific poll questions attendees must respond to
  • Required Tests: Tests that must be completed
  • Attendee Checkpoints: Percentage of attendee checkpoints that must be selected


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