How do I enable Studio Emojis?
Question: How do I enable Studio Emojis?
Answer: The Studio Emoji feature can be enabled on any Studio webcast within the Presenter Console, by opening the Setup menu, selecting "Media Panel Assets", then enabling "Emoji Support".
The emoji feature can be enabled on any standalone Studio webcast, VX Studio presentation, or Event Cloud Studio session.
Once this feature is enabled, a predefined list of emoji images, including smile, laugh, heart, thumbs up, and clap will be available for attendees to choose from during the webcast. The list of emojis cannot be edited or customized at this time. When an attendee selects an emoji reaction, it will be seen by others in real-time as an overlay on top of the streaming media content. Please note, emojis will only display once the webcast has been started.
In the Studio Presenter Console, presenters can monitor emoji activity during the Live/Simulive webcast. Within the media panel options, a counter updates in real-time as users engage with the emojis throughout the session.
A report is available in the data portal that displays the overall emoji activity for the live/simulive webcast. The report will display a list of emoji reactions with the unique count of attendees that selected the reaction and the total count of reactions that were selected during the webcast.
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